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Her screams filled my ears and made me cringe. I didn't want to look, but I knew if I didn't she'd kill me for it later. I already knew not to open my big mouth again, she had already thrown a hard cover book at me. All because I said she looked horrible.

It wasn't nice, but she told me not to lie! Her responce wasn't too nice either, bit I mean two hours in pain would do that to a person I guess.

Child birth had to suck for girls. They always say they can tolerate pain  better than guys, but I'm not sure. Well, I guess I should say that I wasn't sure. I had seen a video of two guys trying to do it, but they only lasted ten minutes.

Those poor guys. They tried to prove a point and failed, they were probably the laughing stalk of whatever country they were in.

Rauri started gripping onto my hand again, and I tensed knowing what was coming. Her contractions were about two minutes apart, which according to the doctors meant the baby was coming. After Nine months, this was the day I had both been excited for yet fearful of.

I was afraid to lose Rauri, but I was excited for our little baby to come into the world.

An hour or so later, to be honest I didn't know to be sure, the clock seemed blurred and time had just skipped, I was holding a beautiful little girl in my arms. Rauri was resting from the proceedure and the nurses had cleaned her up so the sight wasn't too bad. She looked beautiful while she slept.

Her hair was a mess, and she was sweating slightly still from the work, but she was still the gorgeous lady I met my senior year of high school. We had a few problems and a few almost break ups in the tough times, but when I proposed to her on her graduation from college I knew the answer would be yes.

Now, I had built dreams with her, our wonderful home and now a beautiful little girl.

"Asher?" Rauri asked, waking up from her nap.

"I'm right here sweetheart. I have our baby too." I said sitting down on the side of her bed so she could see the baby too. "She has your eyes."

"She's got your grip." Rauri said when the baby took her finger in her small delicate little hand.

"She'll be strong one day, no doubt. What do you want to name her?" I asked, putting the small child in her mother's arms.

"Mia Olivia Wilde." She said with a smile. "Do you like that Mia?"

"I think she just smiled." I pointed out, making both of them laugh. Then the laughter got louder when I joined in.

"For all you know that was her burping."

"She smiled, just let it be a smile." I glanced at Rauri, she was barely staying awake. Her eye lids were falling then shooting back open, just trying to stay awake. "Why don't you take a nap? I'll watch Mia for a while."

Rauri let me take the baby from her as she feel asleep. I watched her sleep for a while, soon even Mia had fallen asleep and I was the only one left awake in the hospital room.

I glanced between these two beautiful girls and wondered how I got so lucky. I had a pretty little girl and a beautiful wife, a home and loving family to support us during the early years of Mia's life. There had been tough times on the long and winding road of life, but time moved so fast it all seemed worth it.

"We did good, Rauri. Thank you for coming back to me, and becoming my beautful wife." I said as I looked at Mia's soft round face, she had a little blush on her cheeks and smiled softly in her sleep. "You're in for a Wilde ride, Miss Mia Wilde."

I chuckled slightly as I put her in the hospital crib and fell asleep next to my two beautiful girls.


This book is being revamped, and coming out as Clothing Optional in November of this year. So if you liked this book, fan me and keep up to date with the progress

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