Chapter 11

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"No Vanessa for the final time!" I said throwing my shirt on and keeping her a safe distance away from me so she couldn't seduce me. She laid on the bed with a puppy dog pouty face that girls think seem to work on guys. I walked out of the room while she scrambled to collect her clothes  to follow me down stairs.

I walked into the living to find Jason and Logan making out on the floor. Logan looked like Vanessa did, the same 'outift' on while the rest was on the floor next to them. Jason had is shirt off and was letting Logan play with the top of his jeans. He really needs a girlfriend... he seems attention deprived from this sight.

"Jason!" I saw him and Logan jump at my presence in the room, they had been too preoccupied to notice.

"Man I'm kind of busy..."

"Yeah I noticed. It's time to go, I'm not going to stand around here and be used for sex when I just want the reputation to stop." Logan got up holding her hands to her chest, in an attempt to cover herself while Jason got up to get dressed.

"What happened?" Jason asked as he started to put his shirt back on and zipped up his pants. He quickly leaned down and kissed Logan for a few seconds, before pulling away and following me out the door. I heard him say good bye and Vanessa yell down the stairs for us to stop, but I saw Nathan pull up and before Vanessa could come out we got into his silver van to go back to his house.

I sat in the back, seat since Jason had stolen shotgun in the hast to get out of the house. I could see dog hair from Nathan's German Shepard, Ryan, covering the floor and some of the very back set of seats. He obviously enjoyed getting in the seats to sleep or look out the windows of the vehicle from the amount of dog hair on them. Even as a puppy that dog loved getting onto furniture he knew he wasn't supposed to, eventually the family just stopped telling him 'no' since he'd do it anyway.

"What happened back there Ash? You ruined the best make out session I've ever had. You better have a good reason."

"You made out with someone, really?" Nathan asked with a tingle of laughter and surprise in his voice.

"Logan Collins." I could tell by his voice there was a smug grin on his face like he had won the lottery. In some ways he had, Logan was defiantly the least slutty of the group, but she was dumb enough to follow Vanessa around instead of making her own friends. From being her lab partner last year, I can remember her being the sweetest most gentle girl in our grade. She always had a smile on and said the nicest things, but she was so easily manipulated that when she became friends with Vanessa she went along with everything.

"I asked Vanessa if she could stop spreading my repuation and she flipped out when I told her I met a girl and I wanted the girl to be the only one."

"Why would you tell a girl that? How stupid can you be?" Nathan asked, pretending to wipe tears from his eye.

"She asked!"

"Then what happened?" Jason asked, hitting Nathan in the arm to get him to stop. Leading to a side comment about how Jason was endangering everyone in the car by hitting the driver, thus possibly causing the car to crash.

"She said if I wanted my reputation to stop then I had to have sex with her again, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. She would just use it against me later knowing her." I sighed lightly and looked at the passing trees and buildings as we passed through town heading toward the south side of Williams Town.

"Well at least I know you're trying for my sister. Honestly I would have given in if you had given me ten more minutes man!"

"Ten more minutes would have meant that I would be doing Vanessa. Thus you'd be pissed and not let me near your sister." I retorted to Jason's ill thought words. He wouldn't let me in his house for months if I had done it with Vanessa again, even if he got laid again or a girlfriend out of the process.

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