Chapter 25

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I know it's been a while but I'm ready to get back on focusing on this. I have no idea how many chapters there are left, it will get there when it gets there. I don't care if you this is being dragged out, I wouldn't waste my time writing it if it wasn't and filler chapters are what make up books. 

Sorry it can't be drama and action 24/7.

I do have one question though. If I made a sequel would you read it?  If enough people say yes, I'll do it. Just let me know by commenting and remember to vote.

love xxnightstripexx


"I'm not sure I really understand what you're asking me to do, Asher." Declan stated politely as he sat down across from me at the library. 

Just glancing at him Declan seemed like a ladies man, he was athletic, took his studies seriously, and even expressed emotion with no problems. If you paid attention, you could read the man like a book, too bad few girls wanted to deal with that. They dated jerks and players like me, and over looked nice guys like him. 

I'll never truely understand why they did that. Why do girls date me when they can date him? Hell, I'd date this guy. I mean you should see his face, and his eyes. God, the boy's a thing of beauty! Wait, did I really just think that? Great, now I sound like some prissy chick.

"I need you to take Taylor out on a date." I stated again.

"But why?"

"I need her to chill out with this over protectiveness of Rauri."

"So I'm your fall guy basically?" Declan asked with a chuckle. 

"It sounds bad when you put it like that." I said rubbing the back of my head in embarrassment. I really was just using him for my own personal benefit and that wasn't right, but I needed him to do this.

"There's no other way to put it man, plus my girlfriend wouldn't like that too much." Declan said with a smile.

"You got a girlfriend?" I asked astonished.

"Don't sound too surprised. He does have a girlfriend, but not if he starts dating other girls." A soft voice stated from behind me.

I turned to see a thin athletic blonde hair girl behind me. It was Christina Thomas, the only all state swimmer at our school after 25 years. She was one of thsoe shy girls that people over looked, unless you truely knew her. Her heart was big and she forgave easily, but if you crossed her you were in such deep shit you might as well just dig a tunnel to get out.

Christina hugged Declan around his waist, he towered over he by easily seven inches, but leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead. It was a touching sight to see two people who seemed so right for each other express their love or one another openly.

"I hope when I come back for our 50 year class reunion I see you two holding hands." I stated pointing at both of them. 

"Don't get my hopes up, Asher. We still have to make it through college next year." Christina stated placing a sandwhich and a bag of goldfish in front of Declan then a bottle of water. 

"You'll hurt my feelings with your lack of faith in us sweetheart." Declan said as he pulled out her seat and Christina sat down. 

"Now, Asher, what's this I'm hearing about you asking Declan to go out on a date with Taylor? What good would that do you?" Christina asked taking out her own lunch from her backpack, the same as Declan's except with a cheese stick as well.

"I just need Taylor to get out of my hair." I stated honestly.

"But what would that do you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked watching as Declan took hold of Christina's free hand and squeezed it lightly.

"I mean if Taylor goes out with someone, what would that do? She still wouldn't like you. She probably wouldn't relax like you think she will. You'll be making it worse, especially if the guys lets it slip by accident."

"I'm out of ideas, what can I say?" I stated in a huff.

"Look, if you want to calm Taylor down you're going about this all wrong. Frankly, you need to be the oposite of Brent Fargo. From what I hear, he wasn't the best boyfriend ever to Rauri and Taylor wasn't there for Rauri when she needed her best friend. That kind of thing stays with a person, they feel guilty for not taking better care of their friend."

"So she's taking it out on you because your reputation is like Brent's and you can't get rid of your reputation now. No matter what it was before, you're stuck with the man-slut now." Declan stated bluntly, following Christina's train of thought.

"But I don't know what Brent did." I exlaimed offly loud for a library. People turned to see what had made the sound and we all pretended to glance around for the source of the sound so they wouldn't suspect us. 

"I do." Christina stated confidently. "But, it's not a pretty story. It will explain why Taylor is so protective, but it won't help your case at all Asher."

"I don't care please tell me." I pleaded, giving my best puppy dog face in hopes that she would give in to my demand.

"If you start crying, I'm leaving." Christina stated, making Declan laugh slightly as he continued with his math homework. 

"I'm sorry, I won't cry just please tell me."

"Fine. Rauri and Brent started dating sometime last year and it started out perfectly as any relationship does." Christina stated with a wave of her hand. 

"She calls it the honeymoon phase. Everything is sunshine, gum drops and rainbows." Declan explained with a chuckle.

"Rauri was blind and couldn't see that Brent was fooling around with other girls. She was so happy to have a popular boyfriend and to become popular that she didn't even notice. No one told her, even though it was well known by everyone. One day she caught him about to have sex with another girl, it had to be Vanessa knowing her, but anyway broke poor Rauri's heart." Christina said with a sigh.

"She confronted Brent about it and he didn't hide the fact that he cheated on her with more than one girl. Even claimed that he tried to get Taylor, but she never told Rauri." Declan stated with a shrug of his shoulders. 

"That put a riff in their friendship for a while and when they finally made up Taylor promised that she would protect Rauri from any guy like Brent again. That guy just happened to be you Asher, so if you really want Taylor off your back. I think you have to go to the source, go talk to Rauri. Instead of trying to get my boyfriend to date other girls on me." 

"Now that could make a great story." Declan stated with a smile in Christina's direction for some inside joke between the two of them. Although they were right, I needed to talk to Rauri. I had been avoiding it to preserve the relationship, but if I truely wanted to preserve the relationship I needed to solve this.

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