Chapter 26

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I stood outside Rauri's front door and waited for someone to answer. Normally the family is digilent about answering the door, but today they weren't answering anything. Not the telephone, not their cellphones and for some reason not the door. I could hear the ounding of feet inside the house so I knew someone was home, but why weren't they answering.

After about a five minute wait I was about to walk away when I heard the door unlock. There was an audible click of the dead bolt being moved from its place and then the familar creak of the front door opening. Rauri popped her head through a small crack in the door that she had created. 

"Hi Asher!" She stated with a perky tone.

"Hey Rauri-bear, what's going on?" I asked giving her a playul smile.

"Nothing, just been busy. What's up with you?" She asked stepping outside and sealing the door behind her.

"What have you been busy doing?" I asked suspiciously.

 "Nothing, what brings you over this way?" She asked alusively.

My mind snapped back into place, reminding me why I had even come over here. I needed to talk to Rauri about Taylor explain everything that has been going on and maybe she can fix it. If not, at least she knows how insane her best friend has gotten with this protection thing.

"I came to talk to you. Can we take a walk?" I asked, gesturing in a random direction behind me.

"Sure!" She stated excitedly as she came skipping to me and taking my hand. "Where do you want to go?"

"Doesn't really matter." I said with a shrug as she lead me in a dircetion away from the house. 

"I have the perfect spot then." She stated with a smile as she lead me away from the house to her undisclosed location. 

We walked behind her house, past the play set that Jason and I had used in our younger years and into the woods behind their house. May had given new life to the plants, flowers and warm temperatures for the summer air. There was a light breeze that carried the songs of birds and the hum of crickets, but also the babble of a river near by.

Rauri pulled me excitedly toward the river. The soft babble of the river was caused by the flow crashing into the rocks and cascading over them. There was a wooden bench by the river that Rauri imediately sat in.

"So what did you want to talk about Asher?" She asked, patting a spot beside her offering a seat next to her.

"It's about Taylor..." I stated cautiously. 

"What about Tay?"

"She's over protective, like overly protective of you and I don't really know how to make her stop. I'm just worried that she'll try something and I don't want that to be a problem between us."

"I know Taylor is protective, but it shouldn't be a problem." Rauri promised with a gentle smile.

"But she's crazy!" I stated bluntly.

"Asher! That's not nice!"

"She threatened me at lunch and was the reason Vanessa was all over me last week!" I explained.

"That's quite an accusation Asher."

"It's true and Nicole will vouche for me! You know she'd never do it if it wasn't the truth. Taylor was talking with Vanessa and we over heard them."

"You spied on them." Rauri corrected.

"That's one way of putting it I guess, but Rauri, she's up to something and I know it." I exclaimed loudly.

"Asher, I think you're paranoid. She is protective but she is trying to protect me. If it makes you feel better I will talk to her and get her to ease up." There was a distinct sound of her phone vibrating against the wooden bench.

"That would make me feel much better." I smiled as she placed her lips to my forehead and kissed me.

"Good, now come on I have a surprise for you." She said pulling me up from the bench and leading me back toward the house.

"What's the surprise?"

"Well, If I told you it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it?"

"Fair enough." I stated nonchalantly as she pulled me back toward the house. She was so excited that she was squeezing my hand tightly and pulling me as fast as she could toward the house. 

There was a momentary pause as we approached the door. "Close your eyes." Rauri said turning to face me before opening the door.

"Why, Rauri-bear? What do you have planned for me?" I said with a laugh. 

"You'll find out just close your eyes!" She exclaimed excitedly. 

"Okay, okay, don't blow a gasket." I laughed as I shut my eyes tight. 

I could hear the back door slide open as it clicked out of place. Rauri took my hand and counted the stairs for me as I went up so I wouldn't trip from not being able to see.

I could hear footsteps and whispered voices as the door closed behind me. I could distinquish between some voices, but not all of them. One sounded like Jason, and his voice I knew the best since he loved hearing himself talk since he was ten.  Another sounded like Mrs. Haws, but I couldn't be sure since she spoke so softly.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." Rauri said after she moved me multiple times to get into a position that pleased her. 

I opened my eyes to see a bright colorful banner with "Prom?" written across it. I turned to look at Rauri how had a cake, also with prom written on it, in her hands and a bright smile on her face. 

"You know, it's the guy that's supposed to ask the girl to prom." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, but I'm impacient  and I couldn't wait until the day before for you to ask me."

"But I had a plan and everything!"

"That's a lie." Nicole piped up from across the room.

"Hey, I didn't ask you." She just rolled her eyes at me and moved toward Nathan. 

"Just be glad you have such a pretty date, no one else would have compared." Rauri stated confidently stated.

"I have a pretty date?  I didn't know I was taking Casey, Nicole, Logan, or Mrs. Haws." I said, making everyone except Rauri laugh. Instead she pushed the cake into my face, completely covering my face, and with a 'humph' turned on her heel and walked off.

"I'll show you who's pretty, player." She swore as she walked away.

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