Chapter 29

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Asher how could you?" Her voice raised a high pitched that told me she was on the verge of crying, Her mascara started to trail down her cheeks as tears silently fell from her eyes.

"Rauri please let me explain." I pushed Taylor out of the way and took three large steps over to Rauri, taking hold of her in my arms.

"What's there to explain...?"

"Asher what happened?' Jason ran over with Logan in tow, she started fawning over Rauri as Rauri started pushing away from me.

"Jason, you have to listen its not what it looks like-"

"You're a jerk Asher! A player! Just like always. How could I ever believe you changed? Why did I ever like you?" Her voice cracked from the saddness she was feeling. I took hold of her hand, but she quickly pulled away.


"Don't call me that!" Everyone was turning to watch the scene that was now unfolding around her and I.

"I didn't kiss Taylor. I know what it looks like like, but honey," I took the necklace I gave her, the small heart seemed so delicate to me. "I gave you this, to show you had my heart and you still do. I swear to you that I didn't kiss her."

"Rauri, are you ok?" Taylor drapped an arm around her flashing my a triumphant smile, I instantly felt Jason put his hand on my shoulder. At least he knew Taylor did it, but I needed Rauri to believe me.

"Rauri, Asher loves you even if he won't admit it to you! I'm your brother, I may not have been the nicest growing up but I kept every guy that was no good away from you. You know if Asher was lying I'd be the first to hit him."

"Hey!" I said, slightly offended.

"Taylor's lying-"

"How can I lie about Asher kissing me Jason? She saw it and frankly I'm hurt that your defending him when he hurt your sister."

"That's a bunch of bull crap and you know!" Jason yelled in Taylor's face as she smiled as if it didn't bother her, she knew she won.

"Jason, he's your friend just like I'm Rauri's. You're just watching out for what's best for him, just like I'm doing for Rauri."

"Don't give me that bull shit Taylor!"

"Rauri-bear?" I kneeled down and wiped the tears off her face. She had been crying the whole time, and wasn't even in the debate about what happened. This was between me and her but she wasn't going to go anywhere with me thinking that I cheated on her with her best friend. Taylor I swear you're in for shit.

"Don't ever call me that again Asher. In fact don't call me anything ever again! Don't call, text, email, message, or anything to me. I never want to hear from you again! When you go to college, you won't be hearing anything from me!"

"Rauri please, listen to me for two minutes....."

"I can't do that Asher. I should have known this would happen... but I wanted to believe that you really did change for me."

"I did change for you! I'm still yours and I will always be. I love you Rauri!" I just said the three words that kills any chance of being a player, number one rule, don't fall in love. I felt my breathing stop as I waited for her to say it back but she just shook her head at me.

"You're saying that now because you know that you've hurt me and now you want me to stay with you because you know I love you!'

"You love me?"

"I did." She took one last look at me, for a moment I thought she would stay. She put both her hands on my face, reminding me of when I did this to her when I first kissed her. It felt like a life time ago now as she kissed me hard, there was so much tension in the kiss that after she pulled away all she did was walk away.


I laid on my stripped bed, no sheets or pillows, everything packed away for our trip to Jamison College today. Jason threw the last bit of things in the bags, absentmindedly. Jason knows what happen after I had taken the time to explain all the events of the night. I seemed like a horrible nightmare to me, that I couldn't have fucked up that badly with the girl I really cared for. Although she still didn't answer anything I sent her.

Jason had tried to convince Rauri that I didn't mean to but she won't listen to it. She thinks Taylor is telling her the truth, but she's not! Even if Taylor thinks she's protecting her friend, she's hurting her more than I ever would have. At least, I had never purposefully planned to crush her emotionally and kill her trust in some; especially someone she loved.

I hadn't left this room for the last few days, I felt like crap. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone other than Rauri, but she wasn't going to have that. I was so numb that Jason could punch me in the gut and I wouldn't feel anything. I had actually cried after watching her leave, appearently that took away my man card, but I was too upset to care.

"Did you give Rauri the birthday present from me?" Remembering the present I got for her a few months ago when we first started dating.


"What happened to it?"

"I think it's still unopened in her closet..." Jason looked at me with a sorrowful glance. He wanted Rauri to forgive me, but she was just too hard headed to understand or listen to anything that anyone had to say in my defense.

"Great... What am I going to do man?"

"Nothing. You're out of time, sorry dude."

"I still have time, maybe I can just talk to her for two minutes-"

"And say what?! What is there left for you to say Ash? You've sent over 2000 text messages in the last week, called her more than anything and she hasn't answered any of your voicemails. I'm sorry, but I don't think she'll answer you." I sighed and rolled over on the bed so I could bury my face in the bed.

"Hey boys are you ready?" My mom had walked into the room, she had been more upset about Rauri than me sometimes, in between the hope she would finally answer me. Mom loved Rauri and everything about her, said Rauri was exactly what I needed.

"Yeah we will be soon Mrs. Wilde." I heard her footsteps leave down the hall to head back downstairs. I got up to pick up the last few back off the ground, putting the last remaining items in them.

"I got them man."

"Thanks J."

"You'll forget about it at college man, don't worry." He hits my arm playfully and walks out of the room to load stuff into the car. I fall back onto the bed, face first, and lay there covering my head with my hands. Can this all be some cruel nightmare? I must have fallen asleep for a period of time because the next thing I heard was Jason yelling at me.

"Hey Ash! It's time to go, grab the last two bags!"

I guess it's not a nightmare, I thought regretfully. I got up and grabbed the last two duffle bags and walk toward what feels like the start to an empty life.

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