Chapter 21

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It was now mid April, I have been dating Rauri for a whole month now. I gave her at least one hug and a kiss each day and on random days, just for no reason I'd bring her flowers or a small gift to make her smile. I can't believe I started the year out having sex with Vanessa, then jumping around from random girls over the next four months after that.

That's a lot of big changes within eight months. I think I just gave myself whip lash just thinking about it.

"Asher? Can you focus, just for a few seconds?" Nathan asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Sure what's up?" I asked giving Nathan my best 'I'm sorry, please forgive me' grin.

"Well for starters you could actually pay attention while I'm talking to you." Nathan retorted wiith annoyance in his voice, clearly not accepting my grin as an apology.

"I don't know how to help you with Nicole man. I'm not a girl whisperer or something. You should know how to fix this you guys have been dating for almost a year."

"It has been?"  Nathan asked, honestly curious.

"Yeah, I think it's been about ten to eleven months. What did you forget your anniversary?" I asked jokingly with a slight laugh that stopped as I glanced up at Nathan's expression. He looked confused and worried.

"I don't think so, but knowing me I could have." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

 "Well, for your sake I hope you didn't." I said pushing my chair back from the table as the bell rang to end my English class.

I waited for Nathan to jam all of his stuff in his backpack, meaning tossing loss papers and pencils in one swift process. Probably crumpling everything in the process. At least my bag was an organized mess, all the loss papers from class were roughly stuffed into the notebook for the corresponding class.

At least my stuff didn't look like I fought with a shredder to get it back.

Nathan began another conversation about Nicole once he had everything packed and was ready to go. Man, he was really worried about her. Apparently since Sunday Nicole had become suddenly angry at him for no reason, at least to him there was no reason.

"Well, Nathan all I can say is---" 

"Hey Asher." I turned to the female voice that had interrupted me, the second Nathan and I walked out of class, to see Vanessa walking up to me.

"Hello Vanessa." I said politely as Nathan and I continued walking.

Not to sound rude but I just didn't want to talk to her. She hurt me, I got even. Now we're done. So why would I want to shove my foot back into the bear trap that I just got out of?

Oh wait, I wouldn't!

"What's been going on with you?" She asked snaking her arm through mine and holding on to my elbow.

"I've been dating someone for a while and I don't think she'd like you touching me." I said lightly removing her hand from my person and giving Nathan a 'please help me' glance before Vanessa spoke again.

Because I know I don't anymore.

"Oh really who?" Her voice changed slightly. Hotile, maybe curious, it was hard to tell with the noise in the crowded hallway.

"That's my business, Vanessa. So I'm going to ask you to leave it alone." I said as Nathan grabbed my shoulder and pulled me through the growing throng of people.

"But Asher I can't. Not after what we shared." She stated, catching up to us and grabbing hold of my hand.

I shook her out of my hand and stuffed my hands in my pockets. "Vanessa, we have nothing now so leave me alone."

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