Chapter 20

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"I give it a week before she drops you flat on your butt, Ash." Jason said taking a slice of pizza from the box.

He had been curious why there had been two rings of the door bell. 'Did you forget to tip the Pizza guy correctly?' had come out of his mouth the second I came back down stairs. Jason had rudely taken the pizza from my hands and started scarfing it down before it hit the table.

So I waited for a little while for him to take a huge chunk of pizza in his mouth then said, "no, the first one was Rauri." Jason nodded slightl in acknowlegment that I had spoken. "Oh by the way we kissed and she agreed to give me a chance."

Jason then proceeded to choke on his too large bite of pizza. That should teach him not to bite off more than he can chew. When he finally stopped choking, after a few tense moments, he took in some deep breaths and attempted to relax.

Near- death expeirence and all that.

When he actually started talking again his voice cracked, getting a laugh out of both of us.

"Going through a second round of puberty, Jason?" I asked taking a seat next to him on the couch and grabbing a slice of pizza.

Rauri came walking down the steps as soon as our laughter stopped. She stopped awkwardly at the last stair, probably because we were both suddenly staring at her.

"Now I can hear it from her! I'll know if you're a lying smart-ass." Jason said to me before pointing at Rauri to direct who he was talking to. "Did you really agree to give this guy a chance?"

"Yes." Rauri said hesitantly before sitting next to me on the couch.

"And you let his lips kiss you?" Jason shivered slightly at the thought.

Rauri's answer was a soft angel kiss to my lips that lasted a few seconds before she pulled away and said, "Yes."

"Do you want me to kiss you too Jason?" I asked, lifting my eyebrows at him as a suggestion.

"You keep your germ infested mouth away from me." Jason said picking up the controller and handing me one in return.

"You just gonna watch Rauri?" I asked offering her the controller.

"For now, but in a few minutes Ta---" The door bell interrupted Rauri before she could finish.

"I knew you forgot to tip the pizza guy, Ash!! Probably too busy making out with your new girlfriend!" Jason said as he forced himself off the couch.

I hadn't noticed that Rauri left her seat next to me until Rauri let out a happy shriek that split Jason's and my ears as she ran up the stairs to get the door.

"She must know the pizza guy." I said jokingly.

Jason paused for a moment then let out a groan, "No, sadly it's not the pizza guy......."

"Who is it?"

"TAYLOR!!!!" Rauri screamed from upstairs, so loud that it sounded like she was right next to me or at least in the same room with me.

"Taylor's here." I said in a fiegned excited tone.

"I blocked the memory of this day..." Jason said landing on the couch in a huff. "Must be their Friend-iversary!!"

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"It's the anniversary of when they became the best friends of like forever and ever." Jason said in a mock valley girl voice. "It's the annual sleepover that I block from my mind, hoping that they will forget about it as well."

Jason and I both groaned in unision as foot steps started came down the stairs. We expected to see Taylor or Rauri come down stairs but instead Nathan emerged from the dark shadow of the staircase.

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