Chapter 6

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Monday had come by in a flash, leaving little of the weekend left to the mind or the body as I lifted myself out of bed. Throwing on the first t-shirt and jeans I could find I rushed downstairs for breakfast, running into Tony and his girlfriend Lizz. Mom was gushing over how beautiful something was as I gathered my breakfast to get out of the house and go to school. 

I had talked to mom about dad a few  nights before, she said he was the high school player when she started dating him. She was realized it wasn't a trait that was pasted down or she'd be worried we'd never get girlfriend. When I asked why she said it was because dad had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he really wanted to date her. That meant no more girls or parties and he had to work at their relationship if he wanted it to work.

It was an interesting talk, I had never thought about what other girls would think when I was truthful in telling them I was a player, or if they knew my reputation and refused to date me. I guess I could get another girl, but what if it came to a choice like dad had? Would I be able to choose the girl that required the work or would I not do the work and just go with an easy girl? I tried to brush off the conversation but those questions stuck with me, I didn't want to be a player forever.

"Asher?!" Mom said, obviously this wasn't the first time she tried to get my attention.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Your brother asked you a question and you have yet to answer." She said gesturing to Tony, who lifted his hand in a 'hello' sort of fashion.

"Sorry man, what was the question?"

"I'd like you to be my maid of honor at the wedding." He said in a joking tone. I glared at him, not finding the joke funny.

"Ha ha very funny."

"Ok ok, would you be my best man at lest? If you want you can still wear the dress." I rolled my eyes, but shook his hand in congratulations and told him I'd be honored to be the best man, but I didn't want the dress.

Tony drove me to school so the ladies could talk about what was going to happen for the wedding, neither of us wanted to be in the room for that conversation, His dark blue fusion sat in the driveway, with Lizz's stuff in the back of the car. She must still be moving into Tony's apartment, Why do girl's have so much crap to move?

"Tony can I ask you something?"

"Sure man, shoot." He ran his hand through his dark brown hair as he turned the car on and rolled down the windows.

"How did you tell Lizz you were a player in high school?"

"Easy, she knew. We went to the same school only a few years apart and when we got to college I met her again and I didn't have to tell her or explain it."

"How did you know she was the one you wanted to date?"

"I don't know I just knew. It sounds lame but it's true." He said shrugging his shoulders not knowing a better way to describe it. "Why do you ask?" He turned his head slightly to look quizzically at me for asking these questions.

"Just curious because it happened to dad too."

"Realizing being a player and getting the girls isn't everything you thought it would be?" He said trying to straighten up as his head hit the top of the car.

"More like the girl that spread my reputation around is a slut and she didn't even really want me for me." I heard the sadness in my tone as I spoke and it tore my heart slightly.

"Don't worry, you'll find someone someday that you'll be willing to give up the reputation for and try your hardest to live it down."

We pulled up to the school in time for the warning bell to go off. I was still speechless about how our school had changed with only three years of construction. Every time I had to do a double take because at first I would see the old school, when tony used to go here, and then I'd see the school I'd be graduating from.

There was a wall of windows that let you look up into the library and see the tops of the bookshelves peaking over halfway along the glass. Underneath was a standing area where students were dropped off and picked up eventually leading to the main entrance near the auditorium. Giving enough room to put the class rock and the statue of the school's mascot, an eagle, on a patch of grass near the entrance.

I walked in to find Nathan with Nicole, with Jason close beside them with the soccer captian, Melissa North. When I came up Nicole gave me a big hug and thanked me quietly for letting her know Nathan liked her while Nathan glared at me and Jason looked at me curiously.

"Don't worry guys Nicole was one of Lizz's friends when she was here and Lizz told her this morning that Tony proposed and that they are getting married." Nicole smiled as hopped up down with excitement.

"And Tony asked Asher here to be his best man." She hit my playfully on the shoulder, and smiled before returning to Nathan's side.

The day had gone by in a flash, with only one period left I was ready to go home and just pass out in my bed, alone. My mind flashed back to Brent's and my discussion during lunch. He had sat down at the table before Nathan and Jason had a chance to show up to give me 'advice' on Vanessa.

"You're dumb to think you were the only guy she was having her way with!" He laughed until his voice cracked from laughing so hard.

"I asked her out and she said yes.... Wait I don't have to explain this to you please leave Brent and don't come back."

"She isn't a one man kind of girl, but I heard the revenge you got on her was pretty sweet. Left her waiting more of what she couldn't have."

It sounded like he was congratulating me, but also insulting me at the same time. I shook my head vigorously to get rid of the conversation, so it would stop playing in my mind. I slammed my locker shut and turned to she Kasey standing next to me, and for a moment I forgot everything, including her name when she started talking to me.

"Hey Asher..." She said lightly running her hand up and down my arm. I looked around waiting for her boyfriend to show up and kill me. "Don't worry he's out today..."

"That's too bad... for him." I said, trying to recover from my earlier discussion with Tony. If I haven't found the girl yet, I was going to keep my player ways until I did.

"Yeah and I'm really lonely, I was wondering if you could make some time for me today." I looked at the clock, lunch was still going on for another fifteen minutes. I can make this work.

"Yeah come on, I know a place we can go." Automatically thinking of the wrestling room, I took her hand and walked along beside her trying to get ready for our time together. It wasn't hard since she wasn't keeping her hands to herself as we walked toward the room. Her hands were inside my pockets, toying with me, making it impossible to relax.

Within that twenty five minutes I spent with her I had missed the first five minutes of class, ending up having to stay five minutes after class before I could finally go home and think through everything I had learned lately, and try to come to terms with what I really wanted to do about my reputation. Did I want to be the school's player, the one all the girls came to when they needed a little bit of time for what they wanted, or did I want to let it go and get an actual Olympic trial, eventually finding the girl I may want to spend the rest of my life with?

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