Chapter 17

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Hey, I'm sorry for taking so long but with this chapter I hope to make up for it especially since I wrote the last three chapters of the book too! :D then it's smooth sailing for a while (I hope)

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I looked up hopefully at this beautiful light brown haired girl that I was in the process of falling head over heels for. All of her friends stared at me with awe, hands over their hearts at just how sweet I was being. I had won them over but I only wanted the answer from the little lady standing in front of me with a gaurded posture.

"So what do you say Rauri?" Rauri lifted one eyebrow, giving me a questioning look while a crowd continued to gather around us. In awe at the romantic gesture in front of them.

"Come on Rauri! Answer him!" The brunette said gushing with excitement and wishing it was her instead.

"I don't know...." She said in an embarressed tone.

"It's one word honey. Just give me one word." And please make it a yes!! I silently begged.

Rauri was starting to turn to red with embarressment, she looked quite flustered now from all the people cheering me on for doing this. Appearently a grand gesture was one way to get everyone on your side. I should've tried this a few weeks ago. I thought to myself.

I heard Rauri sigh, she had found her answer. I waited, hoping, more like praying for a good answer otherwise this was it. I had nothing else up my sleeve and this was what had to work, otherwise I got to find another girl just like her.

"Yes, Asher. I will go on a date with you." Everyone around us started cheering and it almost drowned out the ending of her answer.

"I'm sorry can you repeat that?" I asked bewildered at what she had said.

"I said, I will go on a date with you."

"Well, Miss Rauri, I never thought I'd hear you utter those words, but I sure am glad to hear it. How about I come pick you up this weekend and I'll give you the best date of your life." I offered her a small smile as a thank you.

"Sure Asher. I will see you then." She turned, having her friends follow in a rush about what had just happened. I heard some of them shriek with excitement and jealousy.

"He's so cute."

"You're so lucky!"

"How did you get him to do that?"

"Can you get me a hot boyfriend too?"

"Dude, you did it! It actually worked! You freaking did it!" Nathan said with a rush of excitement and probably ashtonishment that Rauri even considered my suggestion. Frankly, so was I. I didn't think she would say yes in my lifetime.

Nathan and Jason each gave me a high five and congradulations. Nicole even gave me a hug, forgetting the fact that Jason and I had interrupted her and Nathan's little escapade. Her smile was devious as she pulled away, which called my attention.

"What's got you so excited?" I asked.

"How exactly do you plan on getting in touch without her number?" She asked with a smug tone, but I had planned further ahead then Nicole gave me credit for.

"Rauri is probably counting on that, which is why she left in such a rush, but Jason has her number and I know the house number."

"And when did you tell her this date was? Because you didn't, she could have plans." I stiffed a little bit. I had purposefully left when out so that she couldn't give me the excuse of "I have plans that day", but maybe I should have given her an idea so she can't make plans right away in order to avoid out date.

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