Chapter 8

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Thanks for sticking through the spotty updates guys! If you have comments, critism or thoughts I'd love to hear them! I laid a little bit of the plot but I'm mostly excited for the next chapter. I added some stuff from cosmo, shhhhhh. So it may give you guys insight to a guys brain ;) Thanks for reading! Vote, Comment whatever <3


As dinner came around Taylor and Rauri still hadn't come home, Ms. Haws was pacing back and forth worried about them. They normally returned home before dinner, it was unusual for them to be this late. It was a rule to be back by five so everyone was ready for dinner at seven, but since they went shopping they were supposed to be back fifteen minutes ago. Neither of them were answering their phones or returning the calls. Eventually she sighed in defeat and started to place dinner on the table for the rest of us, unable to wait any longer.

"What are you boys going to do tonight?" She asked, trying to take her mind off Rauri. She set place mats on the dark wooden table, to prevent a complete mess from the dinner, then put a blue ceramic bowl of spaghetti on top of the dark mat.

"We haven't decided yet but we need to do something. All this college talk has us on edge, we need at night out." Jason said in an exhausted tone.

"Well there's a state fair tonight in Old Town if you want to go."

"We were thinking a party." Nathan said, not thinking about who he was talking to. Jason didn't even have time to react before his mom did.

"You will not go to any parties young man! You could ruin your chances to get a sports scholarship if you get caught with anything."

"We know, sorry mom." Jason said, taking over damage control before it got out of hand. "We'll keep it an average American Saturday night." There was a tone in his voice that raised my curiousity as we ate. He always followed his mom's rules perfectly, but enjoyed finding loop holes to her wording so he was still obeying.

Everyone made fun of me when I put cottage cheese on the pasta. I always added how they shouldn't knock it before they tried it but no one ever did, they only saw what it looked like but it tasted a lot better than it looked. All of the food was finished in a matter of ten minutes, feeding four guys that had bottomless pits for stomachs always helped to make sure there were never any leftovers.

Ms. Haws forced us all to help clean dishes and clean the table after dinner. Saying that if she had to make dinner then we had to clean up the mess to be fair. Jason washed dishes, Nathan rinsed and I dried and put all the dishes in the drying rack while Mr. Haws wiped off the table. Once everything was cleaned to Ms. Haws standards we sat back down at the table to decide what to do tonight.

"I say we go to a party." Nathan suggested, forgetting the promise Jason made to his mom not even half an hour ago.

"We will just not a normal party, the party."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"I mean I heard Rauri and Taylor talking about a big party down in Old Town filled with people from all the schools in our district at the harbor in honor of New Years." Jason said flashing us a smile that said he had a plan to even get it past his mom.

"I'm in, but I'll need to shower."

"Same." Nathan chimed in, moving his chair to go upstairs and get in the shower. He slowly walked upstairs in a daze, he was tired and was hoping the shower would wake him up. I turned back to Jason to figure out his idea.

"So what's the story?" I asked taking a gulp of my water.

"We're going to the state fair and we will be staying at Nathan's house afterward." There was a triumphant gleam in his eyes as he thought of his brilliant plan.

I was about to speak when the front door burst open, allowing them to cover up our conversation as they were yelling out a thank you to whoever dropped them off. I turned to see Rauri run up stairs causing the conversation stopped abruptly as Taylor barged into our conversation instead. She stood at the head of the table, just staring at me as if something was on her mind.

"You got something you want to say or are you just going to look at what you can't have all night?" I said with an annoyied tone that surprised me, she just had a feeling about her I didn't like being around.

"I heard about your new reputation yesterday."

"What's it to you?"

"Just trying to see what all those girls see in you, because it sure as hell isn't your personality or looks." She turned away thinking she had the last word in our conversation. I felt a devious smile creep onto my lips as I figured out how to respond.

"You're right it's defiantly not my personality." There was a hint of suggestion in my voice causing her to stop momentarily before continuing upstairs to meet Rauri. Jason put his hand on my shoulder as he tried to hold in his laughter from my comment while Taylor hits Nathan on his way down the stairs with the force of her anger. He looks at us confused, raising his arms like he did nothing wrong to deserve that. We just smiled and pointed at me, until he relaxed and joined us at the table to here what made her so upset.


We had driven down to Old Town after getting dressed and looking our best for the party. I walked along the harbor''s water until the club was in sight. The dark water gave no promise of the night as boas caused ripples through the water, giving me an odd feeling. We flashed our school identification cards to get inside and were instantly greeted by flashing lights and a throng of people.

The colored lights shined on all the decorations causing a them to bounce around the room and create a mixture of the colors. On the oposite side was a DJ with mutiple computers and big speakers to fill the room with music to get everyone moving in the center of the room where everyone was dancing. There was a walk way that lead you upstairs, allowing you to look down on everyone who was dancing.

We took a quick look around, turning down drinks and drugs while we found a place to sit and scope out girls. There girls that attracted attention were mostly were a red colored shirt or a pair heels. It was a weakness for guys, red gets you noticed and the heels connect with a part of our brain to associate both of them with sex. I couldn't explain why but it's how my father always described it.

I noticed one girl with short brown hair in white shorts and a dark red top with cork heels that instantly held all my attention. I tapped Jason's shoulder and he nodded lightly understanding what I meant. I got up and fixed my hair before approaching her and got stares from other girls around who had taken notice to me. I walked up and tapped her shoulder, putting on my best smile before she turned around.

"Hey, will you give me everything tonight?" I said flashing her a seductive smile as she turned around to face me. Her green eyes sparkled slightly as the lights traveled around the room, she giggled about to speak until she was interrupted by a familiar voice behind me.

"Careful Rauri, you don't know where that's been." I turned to see Taylor standing behind me before going to take Rauri by the arm. Her presence instantly sends an unpleasent shiver through my body.


"Hi Asher." She smiled and waved her hand at me, with a flirty chime in her voice as Taylor pulled her away.

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