Chapter 7

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I woke up groggy and on the floor of a bed room. I groaned and forced myself off the ground using the bedside table as support. Where am I? I couldn't remember anything of the the night before, not even how I ended up here. I used the wall to help me get out of the room, it held most of weight allowing me to move.

I walked out of the room and ran right into Nathan. He looked at me and laughed hysterically, pulling me toward the bathroom. My hair was sprawled everywhere, my eyes were red and my clothes were sticking to me from being wet.

"Dude what happened last night?" I asked looking at my tattered appearance, I looked like I was in a car crash.

"That swim meet was rough, York kicked our butts that's what happened." I nodded allowing him to know I heard what he said, and splashed my face with water trying to wake up.

"How did I get here?"

"You mean before or after Jason accidentally rammed you into a wall and his dad had to carry you upstairs?" My head throbbed from pain as I tried to keep my heavy eyes open, the headache was going to get to me before the impossibility to look at lights would bother me.

"How do you accidentally ram somone into a wall?"

"By hearing 'guys pizza's here' and then charging into the house as you walk down the stairs. You hit your head pretty hard."

"I can tell." I groaned, the pain hurt terribly. All I wanted to do was crawl back into bed and pass out until I recovered from what my brother described as a bad hangover. I knew we hadn't had anything to drink because our coach would kick us off the team and we were trying to get into college on a scholarship, drinking wouldn't help us in anyway.

"Here Jason used eye drops this morning, I know that chlorine dried your eyes out." He walked out of the room while I tried to make myself look presentable before going downstairs. I waited a few minutes for the drops to take effect, then ran my hands through my hair and walked to Jason's room to take a clean shirt from his dresser drawers.

I walked downstairs and ran into Rauri as she sped past me, I turned to apologize but only saw her long brown hair turn the corner of the stairs. I swear in the years I've known Jason I've seen his sister a total of five times and that was when she was five and eight. I used to think she avoided me but Jason tried to convince me that she didn't even notice what she was doing, she just preferred to stay busy instead of being around us.

His mom had breakfast ready for us when I got downstairs, his family was like a second family to me I wasn't so comfortable in anyone elses house except Jason's and my own. There was just a vibe that couldn't be ignored from friendship and love. They were an open family, shared everything although Jason had a closer relationship with his mom then with his dad and Rauri had a close bond with her father but not her mother. It's different then most families, but it works well to give everyone that comes through the door of being one of the family.

"Good morning Asher, you swam well last night." Ms. Haws swiped her blonde bangs out of her face to show the pale blue eyes that they hid from sight.

"Thanks Ms. Haws."

"Would you like some eggs and bacon?"

"You're speaking to my swimmers stomach!" Mr. Haws, Jason and Nathan laughed knowing that the best way to make me happy is by feeding me.

"You guys sure aren't hard to please." She said with a smile that reached her voice, giving it a joyous ring.

I sat in between Jason and Nathan as Taylor, Rauri's best friend barged through the door. She demanded to know where Rauri was, Mr. Haws explained that she ran upstairs after eating breakfast and Taylor ran upstairs immediately without so much as a hello. I heard Ms. Haws sigh from the conversation.

"Freshmen......" Everyone laughed, as a form of agreement with the comment. Ever since Jason's sister became a Freshmen, there was nothing but drama being talked about almost everytime I was here.

"They are a new challenge every year." I groaned.

"Yeah and Asher loves challenge." Jason said with a wink, hinting at all the girls that were calling and talking to me about giving them some personal time.  My favorite so far was Kasey, she definitely different then the other girls I had been with, maybe it was the challenge that got to me. She had a boyfriend, but also that she was more difficult to get to finish. That challenge is what I craved.

"Especially swimming. I'm very competitive and it pushed me to do my best." Mr. Haws nodded in approval, unaware to what we were actually discussing.

"That's a good attitude Asher, I'm sure with that thought process you'll push hard for the scholarship." Mr. Haws didn't look up from his paper to see the realization cross my face, college was right around the corner and I had no idea what to do about my future. It was about to slap me in the face in a couple of months.

As breakfast quickly passed the day was laid out for watching the last dat of the olympic trials. It was the only sport the entire family got into, even the girls, any other sport and the girls would complain, mostly Rauri though. She hadn't come down since Taylor showed up though, that didn't stop us from getting into it. Watching a sport is supposed to make you get better at the sport, but we just got closer as swimmer's raced for a spot.

"If only Phelps could beat Lochte!" I yelled.

"This his Phelps' last olympics, maybe he's taking it easy on himself." Jason said looking it up on his computer.

"If this is his last chance he should be pushing harder then ever before."

"True but maybe he wants to make sure he was getting into the right events for him." Mr. Haws ran his hand through his hair in frustration of watching one of his favorite swimmers lose to a younger competitor time and time again.

"Ok that's understandable I guess. What are you looking up?"

"Swim scholarships."

"How's that going?" Mr. Haws asked, turning his brown eyes on the screen in curiosity.

"Horribly, coaches aren't answering back even when I update them on progress. We haven't been up to any camps or showcases, I'm not sure how well this is  going to go for us." He closed the computer to finish watching the races with a disappointed look on his face. I realized that our future wasn't going to come from swimming, it had to come from academics, I'm screwed.

We heard heavy footsteps run down the stairs as Taylor and Rauri raced down from her room and ran out the front door yelling something about a make over, and a shopping trip. They'd be back later tonight and Katey was driving, they stood behind us waiting for some form of response as we watched the end of the 200 Individual Medley. Mr. Haws waved them off as the race ended, I turned around just in time to see her brown hair exit the door and Taylor to slam the door shut.


Guys sorry it took me so long to upload, I despise filler chapters!!! But I just read the best article every out of Cosmo magazine, my sister let me read it, shhhhhhhh. So I got some insight that you'll love for the next few chapters ;)

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