Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Liv. Sweetie wake up." Someone says tapping me.

I groan and open my eyes. I see my mother. I sit up and she helps me. She sits down next to me and smiles.

"What?" I ask with a smile.

"I've just missed you. Oh so very much." She says.

"I've missed you too. I've missed everyone." I say.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm feeling okay I guess." I say.

"You know, I remember carrying you. I remember the first time you kicked and the first contraction. It was hell and it was beautiful. I loved every minute of it." She says rubbing my stomach. I smile and look at my stomach.

"So twins huh?" She says.

"Yeah. Twins." I say.

"Double the trouble." She says.

"I know. But it's worth it." I smile.

"Have you picked out any names?"

"Yes. Well yes and no. I don't know what I'm having so I don't want to settle on any names but I've been brainstorming." I say smiling

"God it's just good to see you smile again." She says.

"It's good to finally be happy again." I say.

"When's the last time you were genuinely happy?"

"Forever. About a year. This past year just has been hell." I say, "Dallas and I broke up, I started dating Skylan, killed innocent people, got back with Dallas and got kidnapped. It's just overwhelming." I say.

She wraps her arm around me and sits her head on my shoulder. I sit my head her head and take a deep breath.

"Things are going to get better." She says rubbing my back.

"I sure hope so." I say.

She nods and we sit there. It was a comfortable silence. It wasn't awkward and it wasn't unpleasant. It was a need silence. Just a moment to take everything in and to adjust to the new way things are. It was a good silence to have. We hear someone come up the stairs and stop at the door. We look over and see Dallas at the door. I smile and look at him, and he smiles and looks at me.

"I just wanted to let you guys know that dinners ready." he says.

"Oh, well I'm gonna go and help set the table. Meet you downstairs." Mom says standing up and walking out.

Dallas comes over to me and he sits down next to me. He grabs my hand and kisses it. I smile and look at him.

"You hungry?" he asks.

"I'm always hungry." I say.

He smiles and looks behind me at my empty glass of blood.He smiles and looks back at me.

"You can drink blood now?" he asks.

"Yeah. While I was away Skylan would give me a little blood everyday and over time I could finally tolerate it and I was fine with it." I say.

"Why couldn't you handle it at first?"

"I think I could handle it, it's just that in the beginning when I had my sickness that I would just puke up everything in my stomach." I say.

He nodded. "Well are you going to be drinking blood at dinner?" he asks.

"Yes. Since all of you guys are drinking without me." I say.

He laughs and stands up while holding his hand out. I smile and grab his hand. He pulls me up and we walk downstairs and out back with everyone else. Everyone is sitting at the table talking. I walk around the table and take a sit next to Amira, and Dallas takes a seat next to me. The table is a long 10 person table with four chairs on each side and one chair at each end of the table. Mom and Darren sat at the head of the tables with Dallas, me, Amira, and Beau on the right of Darren, while Carson, Connor, Duece and Kellin sat on the left of him.

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