Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Hey there lady bug." He says.

I waddle over to him and look at him. After all that time I was mad at him and I didn't talk to him just faded away. Tears actually sprang to my eyes and I forgot all about it. All I could do was cry and hug him. Tears sprang in his eyes and he wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and cried harder. This guy has been my brother for years and I got mad at him over something stupid. I have missed him so much, and I let something so stupid get between us.

"I'm so sorry Connor! Please forgive me!" I sob.

"I'm sorry Liv. I should have been a better best friend. Please forgive me." He says.

"I forgive you Connor. I love you." I say still crying.

"I love you too Liv." he says.

I smile and pull away. Dallas comes from the backyard with Duece and Carson following him. More tears fall from my eyes and I cry even harder. Duece comes over to me and hugs me and I hug him back.

"I am so sorry Liv. I was supposed to be there for you and I wasn't. I am so sorry. I understand if you still are mad at me and I hope that you can forgive me." he says.

"I love you Deuce. It's okay." I say.

He pulls apart and he kisses my head. "I love you too Liv." he says.

I smile and look at Carson. She smiles and kisses my head.

"How are you doing?" she says.

"I'm good. I'm really tired and my feet hurt but I'm good." I say.

"Ah yes. Preggers sit down." Amira says.

I smile at her and she sits me on the couch. Dallas comes over to me and sits down next to me. Amira and Beau take my bags upstairs and Duece, Connor, and Carson sit on the other couch.

"Preggers?" Connor says.

"Oh yeah. I am about 5 months pregnant." I say.

"Holy shit!" Duece says.

"Aw how adorable!" Carson says.

"Do you know what you are having?" Connor asks.

"No, but I do know I'm having twins." I say.

"TWINS!" a voice shrieks behind me.

We all turn around and I see my mother, Darren, and Kellin walk in. I smile and then I cock an eyebrow when I see the intertwined fingers of my mother and Darren. They look at their hands and smile.

"A lots happened since you were gone." Darren says.

"I see." I say.

"Well, I'll start the grill and we can talk over dinner." Dallas says standing up.

"I'm gonna take a dip into the pool." I say trying to stand up.

Dallas helps me and I pout. "I'm not liking this pregnant shit." I say only so he can hear.

"You can do it." he says.

I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. I stop and look at the guys.

"Do you guys have swimsuits?" I ask.

"You really think we would come to Florida without swimwear?" Carson says standing up and lifting her shirt up.

I groan. "I really don't like being fat." I say.

"You are not, you're pregnant and I don't want to hear you say that again. You're perfect." Dallas says running over to me.

I put on my best fake smile and nodded. I could tell he knew I was faking so I looked at Duece, Carson and Connor.

"Hey guys." I say getting their attention.

"Well while you guys are swimming I'm taking a nap. Have fun." I say compelling them.

Dallas looks at me and anger flashes in his eyes. I ignore him and look away.

"Aw okay. Hopefully your tiredness can go away and you can swim with us later." Connor says.

"Don't rush her. She's pregnant!" Carson says smacking him on his head playfully.

"Oh yeah. Sorry dear." He says.

Duece shakes his head and they go out back with Beau following. I look up and see everyone else looking at me.

"What was that about?" Dallas says.

"I really just want to go to bed. Wake me up when dinners done." I say quickly pecking his head and walking up the stairs.

I hear footsteps follow me then they stop and talking starts. It's Amira and Dallas. It gets quiet and footsteps follow. I enter my bedroom and Amira follows behind me.

I sit on my bed and lay down on my side. I put my hand on my stomach and then look at her.

"Why don't you wanna swim?" She asks.

"I'm just really tired." I say.

"Liv, sweetheart I know you. I'm you're best friend you can't fool me." She says.

"They were my best friends before you." I say.

"True, but I'm not them. I'm actually a good best friend." She says.

I laugh.

"Now tell me what's going on." She says.

"Well, what if through the next couple of months of my pregnancy, I get bigger and bigger and Dallas starts getting unattracted to me? What if he leaves me just so he doesn't have to see my body? What if he starts to hate me and doesn't even want to touch me?" I ask, some tears rolling down my cheeks. My hormones mixed with my hidden insecurities are really dangerous. I'm so emotional.

Amira sits down on the bed and rubs my shoulder. "Olivia that is not going to happen. He is still going to love you the same and he is going to be here with you every step of the way. Don't ever think like that. Sweetheart, you are pregnant with twins. That means two bodies are inside of you. That means that you are not fat." She says.

"I can't change in front of him now, I won't sit on his lap and I won't swim in front of him. I'm just scared to see his reaction to my body. Like this morning when I didn't have a shirt that fit, I had to cover myself so he didn't see me. I just don't want to scare him off." I say.

"Liv that won't happen. I promise." She says.

"Don't make a promise if it's meant to break."

"It won't." She says.

I don't say anything and she kisses my forehead. "You know what you need, a glass of blood. That always makes me happy." She says.

"I can't keep it down." I say.

"Have you tried it recently?" She asks.


"Well let's try it. I'll be back." She says.

Before I can protest she is already out gone. I huff and grab the pillow next to me. I cuddle lay with it and she comes back in the room. She hands me a glass and sits next to me with hers. I take a drink and my stomach doesn't feel nauseous. She smiles and hugs me.

"Get some rest. I'll come and wake you when dinners ready." She says.

I nod and she kisses my head and walks out of the room. I take a drink of my blood and put my hand on my stomach.

"You two take care of me. While I'm taking care of you, you guys take care of me. We can do this together." I say rubbing my stomach. "I'm here. I'll always be here."

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