Chapter Thirty Seven

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Skylan fainted and Dallas laughed. I couldn't even focus on Skylan at the moment, as I stared at the doctor. I looked at the screen then at the doctor and continued to repeat the process until my brain registered everything.

"Veronica? Are you seriously telling me that I'm pregnant with twins?" I ask.

"Yes ma'am." She says.

I smile and tears blink at my eyes. I look at the screen then at my stomach. I'm having twins, not only is there one bundle of joy but there is two. That means two hearts to love, two hearts that will make you happy, two hearts that are apart of you.

"This is wonderful!" I say.

She smiles and looks at me.

"Do you want a picture?" She asks.

I smile and look at Skylan, who finally stood up by the way. He smiles looking at the screen. The doctor does her thing and turns the screen off. She wipes my stomach off and then hands me two pictures of my ultrasound. I hand one to Skylan and I smile looking at the picture. There my babies, my twins.

"Now would you like to know what you are having or do you want to wait?" She asks.

"Now." Skylan says.

"No! I want to wait." I say.

She nods and smiles at me. "Well I will be seeing you next month to check up on the babies." She says.

I nod and stand up, with the help of Dallas. The doctor smiled at us and walked us out. We all went outside and to our cars. I said goodbye to Skylan and then Dallas and I drive back home with Skylan in the opposite direction. We got back in and I saw Amira on the couch watching TV with Beau asleep laying on her.

"Hey. How was the doctor." She asks.

I waddle to the couch next to her and sit down. "It was good. So I found out some interesting news." I say handing her my ultrasound photo.

"Aw." She says looking at the picture and handing back to me. "What's the news?" She asks.

"I'm having twins!" I say.

Her face brightens up and Beau jumps up scaring a little pee out of me.

"Twins!" They both say.

"Yeah twins. And what the hell you're supposed to be sleep!" I yell.

"I heard you guys talking and you said twins so I'm fully awake!" He says.

"Well yeah I'm having twins." I say.

"That's gonna hurt." Beau says.

Amira and I smack him.

"Ow!" He yells.

"That's so cute!" Amira says, "Do you know what you're having?"

"No. I wanted to wait. I mean I've already been brainstorming names so I can just pick them out when I find out the sex." I say.

She nods.

"Hey Amira, what do you have planned for today?" I ask.

"Nothing that I know of." She says, "Why?"

"Well I need maternity clothes. I can't just go around with Dallas's hoodies and shorts all the time." I say.

She laughs. "Yeah let's go. Can we get lunch too. I'm starving." She says.

"Me too! Let's go." I say.

She stands up and Dallas comes over and helps me up. I smile and kiss him. He hands me my purse and helps me put my shoes on.

"Okay, you girls be safe and by time you get home dinner should be almost ready." Dallas says.

We smile and nod.

"I love you princess." Dallas says.

"I love you too." I say.

He smiles and kisses me. I kiss him back and we pull apart. He smiles and grabs Beau and they go in the kitchen. Amira grabs my arm and helps me outside. We get in her cad and drive to a maternity store in town.

We get out and go around shopping. There was a lot of cute clothes that didn't make me look so fat and if all else fails I can always were Dallas's hoodies, or stay in the house and not be seen. After about two hours we finally find enough outfits for the next four months. After shopping Amira and I went to a sandwich place and sat outside and ate.

"So what's up with you and Beau?" I ask biting into my sandwich.

"Oh well," she says blushing, "when you went missing I had a break down and he was there and he kissed me. Well Dallas thought he had a lead on you so Beau said that I should relax and he took me on a date. Well several dates later he asked me out and we got to know each other." She says smiling.

"Aw! How long have you guys been officially dating?" I ask.

"Three months." She says.

I aw and she blushes. I laugh and we finish eating and then leave back home. It's almost 6 and my feet were killing me. I actually wanted to go take a dip in the pool. It's like 80 out. Ooh a dip in the pool does sound great.

"Will you take a dip in the pool with me." I ask.

"Yeah. Wait can you go swimming with a baby?" She asks.

"Yeah I think so. I mean I've heard that it helps the baby." I say getting out of the car. We grab my bags and walk up to the door. She opens the door and we walk in.

"Wait so are you telling me that if you swim while you're pregnant that it can help the baby learn how to swim?" She asks laughing.

I laugh and look at her. "I don't know it might." I say.

We laugh and I look up and drop my bags. A smile reaches my face and his face as well as he looks at me.

"Connor!" I yell.

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