Chapter Thirty One

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"Liv wake up." Someone says tapping me.

"Can I sleep?" I mumble.

"If you do then you can't get food." Dallas' voice says.

I jump up and see them all looking at me. They all start laughing and Beau and Amira actually fall to the ground and start laughing.

"You guys suck!" I say pouting.

They finally finish and then they stand up. I look and see I'm in a bed.

"After we left the gas station last night, and I made you switch with me, we were about three hours away and you fell asleep as soon as we hit the road. We got here about 2 this morning and you've been sleep ever since." Dallas says.

"What time is it?" I ask stretching my body out.

"A little after noon." Amira says.

"I slept this long!" I say.

"Well you're sleeping for two now." Dallas says.

I nod and lie back down and hold the pillow next to me and cuddle with it.

"Oh no. No falling asleep. I rescheduled for us to go see the house so get up!" Amira yells.

"If I get up will someone buy me ice cream and a giant pickle?" I ask.

"That's the grossest thing I have ever heard someone say they want to eat and I drink blood for a living." Dallas says.

"The baby wants ice cream and I want a pickle!" I say.

"Gross." Beau says.

"Fine I'll buy you ice cream and a pickle now let's go." Amira says.

I sit up and put on my shoes and grab my purse. I stand up and Dallas grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers and we walk out of the room. Amira says the loft isn't that far from the hotel so we all walk there. We pass a ice cream shop and I pull them all in there. I ordered this Oreo, M&M chocolate cone thing and a giant pickle. The guy looked at me weird until I told him I was pregnant. Being pregnant has its perks, especially when it comes to food.

After the shop we continued to walk to the loft and we finally made it. I was done with my pickle and I got a little sad. I even had a tear rolled down my cheek and I tried to wipe it away before anyone could see but I failed. The entire pregnancy mood swings and cravings come fast when you're supernatural.

"Liv are you crying?" Amira ask.

I shake my head no and Dallas grabs me and makes me look at him.

"What's wrong?" He asks panic all over his face.

"I just want another pickle. I ate mine and I don't want it to be gone." I say another tear peeking through my eyes and I blink it away.

No one says anything and I look up and see Amira and Beau dying in fits of laughter while Dallas looks at me like I've grown another head. It's not funny, I love pickles.

"Guys I'm serious!" I say.

"L-Liv.." Beau says laughing.

"You guys really bug me!" I say.

Dallas starts laughing with them and I just stand there pouting while eating my ice cream. They finally calm down and look at me. I start walking and they all try to talk to me and I avoid them. We finally reach the house and the man is standing outside.

"Amira and Olivia?" He says.

"Hello." We say shaking his hand.

"So before we go in I should tell you about the house," he starts out. "It's a three bedroom house, an office room which can be an additional bedroom depending if you want to change it. So technically four bedrooms, which is perfect considering the size. There's a large living room. Two stair cases leading to the top floor, one in the kitchen and one in the living room.

"You're about a good 10 minute walk from the beach and a nice 5 minute walk into town. There's a nice in ground pool in the backyard with a gated backyard. Rent is only $450 a month and the down payment is $1,800." He says.

We all nod. He smiles and opens the door and let's us in. As soon as you walk in the living room greets you. The whole house in gorgeous. I like it. I'm ready to buy it. We go all over the house and the house is already up to date and fully furnished and move in ready. After we all look around we meet the relator, whose name I found out was Bryan.

"So how did you like it?" He asks.

"Its fantastic!" I say.

"Yeah, I love it." Amira says.

"So are you guys going to get it?" He asks.

Amira and I look at each other and smile. We look back at Bryan and nod.

"Yes." I say.

He smiles. "Great!" He says.

He walks to the dinning room table and he opens his little brief case and takes out a contract. He tells us where to sign and we read it over then we sign it. Amira made a check and gave it to him and he handed us two sets of keys.

"Congratulations girls. Have fun in you're new house." He says.

We smile and say goodbye. He walks out of the house and we all look around.

"Well we don't have to worry about getting furniture." Dallas says.

I'm still ignoring them so I just walk off around the house. Dallas calls after me and I ignore him. Amira starts calling me and I ignore her too.

"Are you seriously mad at us?" Amira says.

I still pretend I can't hear her. Dallas comes up behind me and grabs me. I look down and he tries lifting my head up.

"Look Liv we didn't mean to laugh at you." He says.

I start laughing and he panics and thinks I'm crying. Amira and Beau rush over to me and I start laughing harder, my shoulders jiggling.

"Liv we are sorry!" Beau say.

I look up and continue to laugh. I take in a breath and laugh.

"Oh you babies I was kidding. " I say laughing.

"That's not funny. I thought you were really crying!" Dallas says.

"Don't laugh at me anymore." I yell.

They smile and start laughing. "Bastards." I say.

They still laugh and I roll my eyes.

"Get away from me. Dallas go get the bags from the hotel and you two, go get some food for the house." I say giving orders.

"Yes ma'am." Beau says saluting me.

I laugh and start smiling. They all smile at me and walk out. Dallas comes over to me and kisses me. I smile and he walks out with the other two idiots. I look around and walk to the back porch and look out at the ocean between the trees.

"Oh I could get used to this." I say to myself.

I smile and sit in one of the porch chairs and put my feet up. I look out over the view and feel the breeze and see the people playing in the water. I wish I had a dog. It would be perfect if I had a dog. I should talk to them about that another time.

About 10 minutes later I hear the door bell ring. Dallas probably can't open the door. I stand up and walk to the door and open it.


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