Chapter Three

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He looked at me and I looked at him. A smile forming on both of our lips. I squeal and run from Dallas and to Tristen. He picks me up and spins me as I hug him. I can't believe Tristen is back.

"Tristen!" I squeal.

"Liv." he says.

He sits me down and I look at him. Same green eyes, same brown hair, he got buffer and taller. Tristen is my ex boyfriend, my first ever boyfriend actually. It was around freshman year and the time my family and I weren't a family, I dated Tristen. Tristen was 19 when we dated so he is like 20 or 21 now. He was my distraction from everything, he wasn't a very good distraction.

"What are you doing here?" I smile. No matter how badly we ended, he was still a good friend.

"That's a long story for a different time." he says laughing.

"I've missed you!" I say pushing him lightly.

"I've missed you too." he says smiling at me.

I smile and he looks at me. "Wow look at you. You look good." he says.

"You too. You have been working out!" I say touching his arm.

He flexes his muscles and smirks. "Yeah. You could say that." he says.

I laugh and he smiles at me. I look around and see everyone looking at us. Dallas looking extremely upset. I give a nervous chuckle and walk over to Dallas and grab his hand, rubbing my thumb across his knuckles to assure him not to worry.

"So um, Tristen why are you here?" I ask.

"Oh, I can answer that," Mom says, "this is my boyfriend." she says.

My eyes go wide. Wasn't expecting that.

"I wasn't expecting that." Dallas says, taking the words right out of my mouth.

Dallas and I sit back down and mom and Tristen sit down too. It's not that I couldn't picture mom having a boyfriend, it's just that she really has never said she was interested into someone.

"So um how do you two know each other?" Tristen asks me and Miranda.

"Well uhm, funny story." Mom says, "Liv is actually my daughter." she says.

He looks at her then at me. "I can see it!" he says.

Mom and I look at each other. We stand up and flip our hair and smirk while putting our hands on our hips. "Perfect!" we say.

Everybody smiles and laughs at us. We smile and sit back down, mom next to Tristen and me next to Dallas. It becomes quiet and everybody looks around.

"So Liv, how do you know Tristen?" Darren speaks up.

I spring my eyes up and look at Tristen. I can't really tell them about how I actually know him, that's not something you do especially when he is your moms boyfriend. He looks at me with the same expression. I give a nervous chuckle and look at Darren.

"Oh um, I moved into town about two years ago and I was working at the library with my aunt and Liv came in one day and knocked over a cart of books trying to reach this one special book on the top shelf and I helped her out. Soon after that we became really good friends." Tristen lies. Well not really a lie, he did help me out at the library. But that was because his friends were messing with me and he made them stop.

"How come I've never met him Liv?" Darren asks, giving me a disappointing look.

"You were working a lot and barely home." I say.

He nods. It goes back quiet and I can feel Dallas staring daggers in my back, Tristen sees them too and avoids eye contact. I look up and see mom looking between me and Tristen and at Dallas. I clear my throat and stand up. Well how awkward.

"Well I'm so sorry to ruin this but I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to bed." I say, "You coming?" I say looking at Dallas.

He nods and stands up. We say our good nights to everyone and walk upstairs. I close my door and he tries to fix my bed and not succeeding, so he just puts the mattress on the floor and cover it up with blankets and pillows. I laugh at the sight.

"This is your fault." he says.

I scuff and smile. "How is it my fault. It takes two people to have sex." I say.

"It's your fault because you are irresistible." he says.

"Did you just compare me to a chocolate bar." I say.

He plops down on the bed and I smile and lay next to him. He pulls me close to him and nibbles on my shoulder. Sucking lightly as he grazes his teeth over it.

"You are irresistible." he says kissing my shoulder.

I smile.

"Now do you want to do me a favor?" he asks kissing up my neck and back down to my shoulder. His tongue swiftly grazing against my skin.

"Anything." I say closing my eyes and moving my neck for him more access.

He stops kissing and hovers over me. "Do you want to tell me how you actually know Tristen?" he says.

My heart beat stopped for a whole second and I couldn't breath. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"What do you mean?" I say, feeling my heart beat increase.

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