Chapter Thirty Three

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**Four months later; Dallas' POV**

"Dallas, just give up. She hasn't contacted you in months and she's most likely long gone by now." Kellin says.

"No brother! I promised her that I would find her and get her back and I'm going to keep that promise. I don't care how long it takes." I yell thowing a vase. I have been mind linking with Liv as much as I can and she's been helping me but it's been hard. It has been harder considering I haven't heard from her in weeks, but I refuse to let Kellin know his words got to me.

"Hey calm it down!" Miranda yells walking into the house. She walks in next to Kellin and pours a glass of scotch. "What's his problem?" she asks Kellin.

"He is still in searching for Liv." Kellin says while rolling his eyes, and taking a drink from his cup.

"I will find her. Don't doubt me." I say.

"I'm not, but don't you just think that Liv may not care anymore? I mean she's what like four months into her pregnancy and she's probably just tired of this." Kellin says.

Dallas don't you dare fucking listen to them! I'm waiting and I've been waiting!

"Liv?" I ask.

Kellin and Miranda snap their heads towards me.

Yes baby it's me! Where are you? I've been waiting on you. I'm so sorry I haven't been around, things have been complicated.

"Liv I'm sorry. I couldn't find you. Where are you?" I ask.

"Brother what the hell are you talking about?" Kellin asks sating his cup down and moving closer to me.

I don't actually know where I am. I haven't left this house in months and I know I'm not at Skylan's old house.

"Dallas she isn't there. Just stop it! You're hurting more people than you think." Miranda says growing me angry.

Dallas don't you dare listen to them! I am right here, and I need you to listen to me.

I fall to the ground and scream. "Stop it! Get out of my head! STOP MESSING WITH ME!" I yell.

Dallas TImothy Walker stop it! I'm here, I'm not messing with you. Please just find me! Just listen to me, and me only.

"Brother?" Kellin says.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" I yell.

Dallas stop it. Please hurry!







**Amira's POV**

"Hey babe? Miranda just called and said that Dallas went haywire." Beau says coming into the living room.

He plops down on the couch next to me and wraps an arm around me. I smile at the affection, but my mind responds and I look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Apparently Dallas was talking to Liv at random and it was overwhelming because Miranda and Kellin were yelling at him and so was Liv, so Kellin snapped his neck and put him in the cell." Beau says.

"That poor boy." I say shaking my head.

"Have you even talked to your brother?" he asks.

"Everytime I call he ignores me or when he answers he says he's busy and he hangs up." I say.

"What about your other brothers?" he asks.

"Tomas and Kerri both went to look for Skylan and have come up empty. They've searched all over town every week for the past three months and they finally gave up." I explain. I can't really blame them, it's been four months.

"Sometimes, I feel like Liv is contacting me. You know, trying to let me know that she still needs help." Beau says looking me in the eyes.

"To be honest, so do I. I feel like Liv is always watching us or she knows what's going on and she is still hoping we are looking for her." Which is true, I can sometimes heat her talking to me or see something move into a particular place and I know it's her. It's like she's giving me s clue, but I can never make out what it means, and when she talks to me it's never clear enough for me to hear.

"It's been four months. Maybe she lost hope." He says grabbing me out of my thought.

"I don't know. I know I want her back. That's my best friend."

Beau grabs my hand and he pulls me into him. I lay my head on his shoulder and he leaned down to kiss me.

"It will be okay baby. We will find her." He says.

"I just feel bad because I feel like we haven't even done anything to help find her."

"Really? You've sent your brothers to search around town every week for the past three months. You've searched around the whole perimeter around town and the next two towns every weekend. And you still constantly try to mind link with her. Now if that's nothing then what is?" He says.

I smile and him and kiss him. "I love you Beau."

"I love you too Amira." He says.

I smile and stand up. I hold my hand out and he looks at me.

"Its the weekend. We have to do our weekly trip." I say.

He smiles and he grabs my hand. I grab the keys to the new car I had to buy and we head out.

Thank you best friend. I hope to see you soon. I love you.


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