Chapter Forty Eight

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Tears start to spring in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. All I feel is hatred, sadness, hurt and anger. He walked closer to me and I didn't budge a muscle. Nikolai holds on to my leg and Skylan looks at him. Luna does the same thing to my other leg and he looks at her. I see him trying to move closer and I growl. He stops walking and looks at me

"Kids let's go in and get something to eat." My mother says pulling the kids with her.

"No I want to stay with mommy!" Nik says.

"Sweety go with your grandparents. Daddy is going in there with you." I say smiling at him.

Luna smiles and runs to Dallas. "Come on daddy." She says trying to pull him.

"Go." I say.

He doesn't say anything and everyone walks past Skylan and into the restaurant. I look over at Skylan and he doesn't say anything. He tries walking closer until I stop him.

"If you take another step closer, so help me God I will kill you right here." I say making him stop in his tracks.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Why are you here?" I snap.

"I left her." He says.

I cock an eyebrow.

"I left my wife. I couldn't take her anymore and I filed for divorce about 6 months ago, my divorce has been final for about 5 months. I've been trying to talk to you and let you know I'm ready to start over. I want to be with the kids and be in your life and maintain a relationship between us." He says grabbing my hands.

"That will never happen. You made your choice the day you walked away from me and your kids. The day you left for New York with that tramp! The day that I had to find out from her that you two were married and I had to find out that you were going to kill me and the twins because she told you to. Skylan you're pathetic." I say staring him in his eyes and pulling away from him.

"Liv I love you. I have always loved you. I've never stopped. I've loved you since the time we were first together, to the time we were in New York, to every minute after. Even when things were bad between us I still loved you and I still do. I never wanted to loose you, I never wanted to take your life away, and I never wanted to make you feel like you weren't special when you are. You mean everything to me and I was stupid to let you go. I said I would never do that and I did, and Liv I regret it with everything in me. Just please give me a chance." He pleads. His eyes start to fill with tears and so does mine. I can feel his heart quickening up and I can feel how scared he is.

A few tears roll down my cheek and I look away. "Skylan I can't do that. You had a chance and you blew it. Skylan I'm getting married." I say looking at him.

His tears finally fall and he let's me go. I can actually feel the heartbreak coming from him. He starts to cry harder and tries to turn away. He looks back at me and tries to smile but he can't.

"I'm happy for you.." He says, barely audible.

Before I can say anything he walks away and is out of my sight before I know it. More tears fall from my eyes and I turn my back towards the window of the restaurant. I hear the bell jingle above the door and hear footsteps.

"Liv?" My mothers voice coos.

"Y-yeah." I say shakily.

"The wait was too long so Darren and I are going to take the kids for ice cream and Dallas said he'll cook out instead." My mother says.

I nod my head. "O-okay." I say wiping my face and turning around. "Have fun." I say smiling at my kids.

They smile back and walk with my parents, along with Harold and Maggie, to the ice cream parlor. Dallas, Enzo, Amira and Beau continue to stand there.

"Its scary how you make that smile look real." Amira says.

"I've been doing it for so long, I can't tell the difference anymore." I say.

No one says anything, but I can feel the sadness and empathy they are all feeling right now.

"C-can we just head home?" I say.

They nod and I start walking with all of them behind me. We get home pretty quickly and all of us walk in. I walk to the deck and look outside, through the doors. Everyone sits down and I can feel them looking at me.

"Liv.." Dallas's voice says softly, "what did he say?" He asks quieter.

A tear rolls down my cheek. "Its not what he said, its more of how he felt." I say.

"What happened?" Amira says.

"He told me he left her. He's been divorced and he has been trying to rekindle with me. He told me everything he was feeling and when I told him I'm getting married, I felt it. I felt his heart break." I say crying. "He has hurt me so much and I feel so terrible because of how broken he feels. That man would have given me his own heart if he knew that it would save me. He would do anything to protect me, even though he has made huge mistakes he would still do anything to help me. Why do I feel so bad?" I say falling to my knees and crying.

Dallas comes over to me and hold me. "It's okay to cry." He says.

I push him away and try to wipe my face. "I am tired of crying! I'm tired of hurting people, I'm tired of feeling pain and I'm tired of being hurt!" I say throwing my hands.

"Liv it is okay." Amira says coming over to me.

"I can't do this anymore." I say.

"Don't talk like that." Beau pipes in, "you can get through this. You're going to have pain all your life and it's going to grow harder and hurt more, the older you get." He says.

"I can't take this anymore. I'm so numb. I can never be how I was. Its so hard." I sob.

"Liv stop talking like that." Dallas says.

I hold my knees up and block myself from them.

"I'm giving up." I say.

The room goes still and quiet. No dares to breathe loud and no one says a word. I close my eyes and dry my tears.

"I just want it gone." I say, "I don't want to feel anything anymore."

Theres a song that goes great with this chapter. So if you can't see it then go to YouTube and listen. Its a great chapter and happy reading lovelies.

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