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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Author here. I don't know how many people read these Author's Notes, but PLEASE READ THIS ONE.
This is a very long, super important chapter. It's also very Connor Murphy-centric. This chapter goes into some of Connor's backstory, issues with mental health, and how he met the Freakshow. So I'm putting in a Trigger Warning for mentions of Bullying, Depression, and Suicide Attempts. If you are not comfortable with any of this, DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER. I will add a summary at the bottom so that you will still know what happened. I am not writing from personal experience, so if I am portraying something incorrectly please comment or message me and let me know. I want to be as respectful of this as possible. Also, I have not read the Dear Evan Hansen novel. I have friends who have read it and I'm aware that it gives backstory details for Connor, so if I'm a little off on the details, sorry. This is his backstory for my book. Now, if you made it this far, enjoy the chapter.

Dia's POV

"Hey, girl. I haven't seen you in forever!"


Why is Regina George talking to me? She's acting like we're friends. We're not friends. The only time she talks to me is when her and those Barbie doll friends of hers corner me after school to make fun of me. Which happens a lot. No one really knows about it. I know that's like the opposite of what you're supposed to do when someone is bullying you, but Regina has really private stuff on everyone, and she said she would release it all if I told anyone. She somehow managed to get a list of all the medications Connor takes, pages from Frances's journal, all kinds of stuff that they wouldn't want the whole school to see. So I just deal with it.

"Ooo, what's that?"

Regina grabbed my violin case out of my hands and opened it. I started to panic a little. My parents had saved for months to buy me that. Regina would never stoop that low, right?

"Wow, your guitar is really...Whoops!"

She dropped it. She dropped my violin onto the concrete. I'm a little in shock.

"Oh well. I hope I don't get in trouble for littering, considering it's trash."

That's when her stiletto smashed into the bridge, snapping it in half. I choked out a sob, even though I hadn't even realized I was crying.


"Oh, but we're having so much fun, Dia!"

My poor violin was laying in pieces on the concrete, but she stepped on it a few more times just for the fun of it. Then she pulled my bow out and snapped it in half. Through my blurry eyes, I could see Gretchen and Karen looking a little horrified at what Regina had done.
I heard footsteps running towards us from around the corner, and apparently Regina heard them too. She turned back one more time before she left.

"Good luck with your concert."

Just as they left, the person rounded the corner. I was still crying, so I couldn't really tell who it was at first. When they started talking I realized it was Connor.

"Dia, hey, Dia. Breathe, ok? Just sit down and focus on breathing. I got you."

Connor's POV

When I heard Dia shout, I came running. I knew I was one of the only ones still at the school, and I heard Regina. Where there's Regina, something bad is happening. She's like an omen of death in a miniskirt. The Plastics were already gone when I got there, but Dia was still there, and the remains of what I think was her instrument. Quick question, how long is the jail time if an 18 year old straight up murdered someone? But we've got bigger problems, like how Dia looks like she's about to hyperventilate.

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