Auditions...dun dun duhhhh

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Author here. I haven't updated in forever, but I've written a ton which is currently being edited. So be prepared for more chapters coming. To the people reading this: PLEASE COMMENT. I want to know what you guys are thinking! Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Dia's POV

It's Friday. Audition day. Aka the most nerve-wracking experience in existence. Besides maybe waiting on scores for a big test. Or graduating. Or getting married. Or finding out you have a chronic disease and you don't have long to live. Wow that got dark fast.
Anyways, I'm waiting on Jack and Phillip to show up so we can walk to the auditorium for auditions. I was thinking that they were going to make all of us late when I heard arguing from down the hallway. Wonder who that could be.

"He CHOSE Gryffindor, and that is brave, therefore making him a true Gryffindor."

"The Sorting Hat is never wrong, Jack!"

"If he thought that he should have been in Slytherin, why didn't he just shout it out instead of asking for his opinion?"

"I don't know, he's a magic hat! How do you apply logic to a magic hat?"

That's when they rounded the corner and approached me. Phillip immediately jumped at the chance to get someone on his side.

"Dia! Should Harry Potter have been in Gryffindor or Slytherin?"

"Gryffindor. No contest. True bravery is choosing to be brave, and he chose Gryffindor."

Jack immediately started gloating that I agreed with him, prompting Phillip to punch him in the shoulder. Time to get things back on track.

"Anyways, we should probably head to the auditorium so that we're not late because one, that's your mom, Jack, which could backfire on you. And two, because Damien might literally MURDER US if we're late."

"Fair point."

So we FINALLY make our way to the auditorium. Jack immediately heads over to Crutchie, while Phillip and I sit and wait for auditions to start.

Jack's POV

Crutchie and I are sitting on a costume box, waiting for the meeting to start. He's reading Percy Jackson again, but I'm watching Phil and Dia across the room. Jeez, how oblivious are they?

"I can see what's happening."

"Jack, what are talking about?"

"And they don't have a clue."

"Jack, are you quoting The Lion King again?"

"They'll fall in love, and here's the bottom line, our trio's down to two."

"We aren't even a trio, Jack, now stop stalking Phillip and Dia!"

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiine, you're lucky I love you."

"Yeah, yeah I am. Now go back to watching the oblivious couple in SILENCE so I can go back to my book."

Dia's POV

Miss Medda finally calls everyone to attention. For the first time probably in the history of this drama club, everyone quiets down immediately.

"Alright, everyone, it's audition time! If you all will separate into groups for what part you will be auditioning for. I will call one group at a time up to the stage to audition. I'll give you a minute to divide yourselves up."

Damien immediately heads toward the large group of girls auditioning for Sharpay. Jack and Crutchie stay where they are, since they aren't auditioning. Phillip is in the Troy group. Frances is in tech, so she's not auditioning. That leaves me in the Gabriella group. Alone.
Why did I think this was a good idea? This is my first year at a new school, my first year in drama club, I'm already in orchestra, and now I'm auditioning for the lead. What was I thinking?
My inner questioning was interrupted by Miss Medda calling my group to the stage.
I was kind of in the middle of the list, so I got to continue to doubt myself for about four auditions until it was my turn. Soon enough I'm standing in front of the audition panel made up of Miss Medda, Crutchie (because he's the stage manager), and Miss Taylor, who's in charge of the orchestrations for the show.

"Alright, Dia, let's have you sing a bit of Start Of Something New for us, then we'll do a bit of dialogue."

All right, I can do this. Just breathe. Now, sing.

Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance

The rest of the audition passed in a blur. Before I knew it, everyone had auditioned and we were all gathered so Miss Medda could give us some final information.

"Thank you, everyone, for a smooth and efficient set of auditions. The cast list will be posted Tuesday morning, and the first rehearsal will be that afternoon. Rehearsals will continue every Tuesday from then on."

Jack raised his hand.

"No, Jack, I will not give you the cast list early."

Jack put his hand down.

"Now, go home and get some rest. I will see most of you on Tuesday."

The group dispersed, and my friends came over from their audition groups. After about five minutes of yelling and various excited hand gestures, we finally got it together and headed to A La Mode to celebrate. I did it. Whew. Now comes the nerve wracking part. Waiting for the cast list. Tuesday can't come fast enough.

Alright that's it. Hope you enjoyed it. The plot really starts to pick up from here, so just take Aaron Burr's advice and Wait For It. Don't forget to keep on smiling and keep on surviving everyone.
Peace out ✌️

825 words

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