To The Tucks!

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Crutchie's POV

"Hey, are you ok? You look like you're gonna pass out."

For all I know I am going to pass out. Jack is holding my hand and looking at me in concern, honestly I have the best boyfriend, and I'm trying not to hyperventilate. We're sitting in the back seat of Miss Medda's car, and she's driving us to my aunt and uncle's house. My aunt and uncle's house, who finally got custody of me after five years of arguing with lawyers. My mom and Uncle Angus never got along very well, and there was some big argument when my cousin Jesse and I were eight. We stopped going to see them, and the last time I saw them was at my parents' funeral, which is NOT fun to think about. Now, I'm going to their new apartment to live with them. What if they changed their minds, what if they don't want to see me, what if I end up like Harry Potter living under the stairs because they don't want to take care of me-

"CRUTCHIE, relax, you're freaking out."

"I should be freaking out, Jack, what if I end up like Harry Potter!"

Then he started laughing. Why is he laughing?

"Crutch, you're not going to end up like Harry Potter. From what you've told me about your aunt and uncle, they love you, and they wouldn't have fought so hard for custody if they didn't, now relax, cause I don't need you hyperventilating and passing out."

Ok, alright, Jack's probably right. They probably wouldn't have packed up and moved here from New Hampshire if they didn't want me. Ok, just breathe, in, out, oh shoot we're here.

"Now, Jack, you just text me when you boys are done here, and i'll come pick you up, ok?"

"Gotcha Mom"

Jack and I got out of the car outside the apartment building. It was only two blocks away from Jack's house, which was great, and I didn't have to move schools, which was great, but I'm still super nervous. We got in the elevator (good thing there was an elevator, going up the stairs with a crutch is a pain), Jack pulling my suitcase behind him. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted on it, which was annoying, but sweet. Third floor, second door on the right, knock on the door. Stand there, hands sweating, trying not to freak out, the door opens and-

"Wow, Crutchie, you weren't wrong when you said your cousin looks like you."

"Hey, Crutchie, long time no see."

My cousin Jesse stood in the doorway. Ok, this is happening. I haven't seen him in a LONG time. Jack is right, we do look a lot alike. Weird.

"I'm going to invite you in now, so we aren't standing awkwardly in the hallway, because the neighbors already think we are weird enough."

That sparked Jack's interest. We stepped inside as my cousin and my boyfriend started talking.

"Why, did something happen to make them think you were weird?"

" Yeah, um, the people next door came over to see if everything was ok because I was screaming the lyrics to My Shot from the Miranda soundtrack loud enough to be heard through the walls."

Jesse shrugged as Jack started laughing, and then turned to me.

"Not to be rude, but, er, why is he here Crutchie?"

"Jack's my boyfriend, and he decided that he was coming. I couldn't stop him."

" That's fair. Anyways, mom's in here. We're still unpacking. Dad's already going to work and Miles isn't here obviously or he would be yelling at me to be quiet, so it's just mom and I unpacking."

We rounded the corner into the living room, which was full of boxes. My Aunt Mae was crouched on the floor unwrapping picture frames, but she stood up when we came into the room.
" Oh my goodness, Charlie, look at you! It's been way too long."

She pulled me into a hug. Side note, my Aunt Mae gives very good hugs. She stepped back, then noticed that there was someone else there. Cause yeah, Jack's been standing there the entire time.

"Oh, how rude of me, I didn't see you there. I'm Charlie's Aunt Mae."

"I'm Jack, Crutchie's boyfriend. It's nice to finally meet you Ms. Tuck."

"Please, just call me Mae. Your room is just down the hall, Charlie. Jesse can show you. Go ahead and unpack and I'll finish up here."

"Follow me."

We walked down the hallway to what was apparently my room. I guess I had nothing to worry about, because it was not under the stairs. Not that there were any stairs. Jack dropped my suitcase onto the floor, then immediately flopped onto my bed. Jesse was about to join us when his phone went off. He pulled it out and looked at us sheepishly.

"Hey, uh, it's my girlfriend. Can I-"

I waved him off.

"Yeah, we're good here. Thanks Jesse."

He smiled and turned back to us before heading out the door.

"Good to see you, Crutchie.....hey Winnie."

Jack turned to me and smiled as Jesse closed the door.

"See, I told you there was nothing to worry about, and your folks seem cool."

I sat down next to him on the bed, and put my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, you were right."

"What was that?"

"You were right, Jack."

"Yeah that's what I thought."
I stuck my tongue out at him, then got up to start unpacking. I didn't have that much stuff, but I still needed to unpack it. The best part is, I'll probably get more stuff to fill this room, because I don't think I'm going anywhere. Sure, the social worker has to come and check everything out in three weeks, but I can't see anything going wrong with that. Which is weird, because normally all I can think about is everything going wrong. But now, I've got a family, I've got my friends, and I've got one amazing boyfriend. Things are looking up.

"Hey, is that my hoodie?"


"I'm never getting that back, am I?"


Small note: for the sake of storyline, Winnie is 17 like Jesse. She's his girlfriend who lives back in New Hampshire.

Hope you enjoyed it!
Don't forget to keep on smiling and keep on surviving everyone
Peace out ✌️

1025 words

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