Good Girl Winnie Foster

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DiaDiaDia has entered the chat

AlmightyCrutchie has entered the chat

WinnieThePooh has entered the chat

DiaDiaDia: Ur Winnie Foster? Jesse's GF?

WinnieThePooh: yep. you're Jesse's New York friends

AlmightyCrutchie: Im his cousin

WinnieThePooh: cool. He talks about u a lot

DiaDiaDia: hopefully good things?

WinnieThePooh: yeah. From what i've heard, u guys are pretty cool

DiaDiaDia: Jesse talks about you a lot too. That boy is Whipped

WinnieThePooh: lol

DiaDiaDia: u know, he talks about u a lot but he's never mentioned how u got together

WinnieThePooh: yeah that doesn't really surprise me. It's kinda funny. Our first "date" was when he was grounded. I had a super strict curfew, so we snuck out to go to a carnival in our town. Tiny town, not much happens. We had hung out a few times before then, and I knew that I liked him. He told me that he'd win me a prize, and if he won I would be his girlfriend.

DiaDiaDia: sounds like Jesse

WinnieThePooh: yep. He didn't win the game but we got together anyway. Then his brother busted us on our way back to my house and we BOTH got grounded

AlmightyCrutchie: I'm back. Aunt Mae needed me to unload the dishwasher. And all of that sounds like both Jesse AND Miles.

AlmightyCrutchie: so here's my idea. According to The Google, winter break for Treegap High School starts today, December 19th.

WinnieThePooh: Yep. Finally.

AlmightyCrutchie: the orchestra concert is tomorrow, December 20th.

DiaDiaDia: ugggggghhhh don't remind me. The stress is going to kill me

AlmightyCrutchie: so here's the plan right now. Tomorrow morning Winnie will drive up here. Aunt Mae is taking Jesse Christmas shopping tmrw. I've already gone shopping, so you'll stay here with Jack and I. We'll sneak u into the concert and surprise Jesse once the concert is over.

DiaDiaDia: Sounds good

WinnieThePooh: yeah. See u guys in person tmrw

AlmightyCrutchie: see you Winnie

DiaDiaDia: bye Winnie

WinnieThePooh has left the chat

AlmightyCrutchie has left the chat

DiaDiaDia has left the chat


I know that adding Winnie is completely pointless for the plot but I love her.

338 words

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