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The final chapter is here...

Dia's POV

A few weeks after the show, school lets out for winter break. Our whole friend group got together for Secret Santa, we somehow managed to survive midterms, and now my amazing boyfriend and I are curled up on the fire escape with hot cocoa, watching the sun set.

"How did this happen?"


Phillip turned towards me, confused.

"I mean, how did I go from being the new kid to being the girl who got rid of a corrupt principal, started in a musical, and now has an amazing group of friends and a great boyfriend?"

Phillip still looked confused.

"Uh, if I remember correctly, you called George Eacker an ignorant muggle."

I gave him an exasperated stare, which prompts a fit of laughter. Next thing I know we're both laughing to the point where it's hard to breathe.

Once that dies down, we fall into comfortable silence again. Phillip nudges my shoulder softly.

"Hey. You know we're good, right? We're great. You're great. So stop questioning why things happen and just enjoy them. That was the past. We're moving forward. We're-"

"Pip I swear if you make a High School Musical reference right now."

"Fine, fine." He laughed a little, putting his hands up in mock surrender. Then he leaned down and kissed me, before pulling back to watch the sun set on Jackson Heights. Things couldn't be better than this one moment.

"We're soarin, flyin"

"Really Pip?"

The End

And that's a wrap!

241 words

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