Do This Thing

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This is the worst filler chapter in existence but we need Frances content.

Frances's POV

My lovesick cousin is studying for a history test with Dia today, and even though the happy couple may not be aware of it, it's totally considered a date. So, obviously, Jack and I are spending the day spying on them.

"Psssssssh, testing, testing, Frances can you hear me? Frances. FRANCES."

Did I mention that Jack is taking this "spying" thing a little too literally? He showed up today to the park where Pip and Dia are with a backpack full of sunglasses, old newspapers to hide behind, and walkie-talkies.

"I can hear you Jack, but you don't need to use the walkie-talkie when you're three feet away from me."

"I do what I want."

"Oh, believe me, I'm aware."

The "happy couple" was walking away from our hiding place, so we had to move. We settled again when they sat down at a picnic table. I sat comfortably on a bench facing away from them, so they couldn't see me. Jack, on the other hand, climbed up a nearby tree with a pair of binoculars. And then he immediately fell out of the tree.


Luckily, Pip and Dia didn't hear Jack groaning on the ground, or my laughter. He joined me on the bench.

"Why are you laughing? I'm clearly suffering."

That just made me laugh harder.

"Yeah, suffering from a deflated ego."

He shushes me, whipping around to face Dia and Pip.

"Shhhhh, they're saying something! The-cake-and-the-dog-are-dancing?"

"I think you need to work on your spy skills some more, 007. Your lip-reading sucks."
Dia and Pip aren't doing anything interesting, though I'm not sure what I expected. They're just studying, laughing and joking around occasionally. Honestly, it's kind of boring. Jack was really the one who wanted to "spy" on them, though I think it's just an excuse to use his walkie-talkies. I just like having something funny to tease Pip about. But they aren't giving me anything good!

"This is boring, Jack. Why didn't you get Crutchie to help you?"

"Crutchie's busy today, and you were the next best option. You should be flattered."

Our "targets" move over to another spot in the park, near a pond. So Jack and I followed to a spot a little further down the edge of the water. Jack was leaning around a tree, trying and failing to get a sneaky look, when a duck came up behind him and quacked. Very loudly.


And he fell into the water. He resurfaced quickly, spitting water, with duck feathers in his hair. So, I did what anyone would do in this situation. I took a picture of him and sent it to Crutchie.

"What are you doing? Help me up!"

I didn't help him up. If I did, I probably would have gotten wet too, and I just got this shirt. By the time Jack got out of the water, and I stopped laughing, Pip and Dia were gone.

"Shoot, they left. Hey, Frances, should we go find them?"

"Nope, this was pointless. And they aren't the only ones who need to study for that history test."

Jack's a little disappointed as we leave the park, but I feel pretty good. Sure, I got nothing embarrassing on Pip, but I've got a couple pictures of Jack falling into ponds and out of trees that make the whole morning worth it.

559 words

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