We Did It Folks!!! (AN)

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Author here. Yes, I am aware that I posted like half of this book in one night, but I finally finished writing and editing the last few chapters (and I'm notorious for completely ignoring this thing called an update schedule) so I just decided to drop all the remaining chapters. You're welcome.
I posted the first chapter of this fic back in July, due to my quarantine-induced boredom. This was my first looooooong fic, and my first time writing about one of my OCs. Before Lights Up, the only fic I had written was an angsty 10 chapter Newsies fic called This Is Just A Misunderstanding, Right? that I only published to see if people would actually read it. Maybe some of you have read it.
Anyway, thank you for coming on this journey with Dia and I, and keep a lookout for other stuff that I put out there onto the interweb. I won't be publishing anything new for a while, but I am currently writing something new. I'll post more about that on both this and Misunderstanding whenever I finish it.
In the meantime, stay safe out there in the real world, and as always, don't forget to keep on smiling and keep on surviving everyone.
Peace Out ✌️

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