Blow Us All Away

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Author here with a new chapter. I know some people probably skip over these, but this author's note is VERY IMPORTANT TO THE STORY SO READ IT PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
Ok. I would like to make something very clear. I AM NOT GOING TO KILL OFF PHILLIP. When one of my friends read this chapter to edit it, they were like "you should kill off Phillip."
And I was like "nope, that's not happening, I can't do that to my characters." So, despite what the title implies, PHILLIP HAMILTON IS NOT GOING TO DIE.
Now that I've gotten that cleared up, another important PSA. This chapter includes bullying, fighting, getting beat up, references to blood, etc. It's not that bad, not compared to the way some things are described on Wattpad, but if you are not comfortable reading about any of those things for ANY REASON, feel free to skip to the end of this chapter. I'll put a summary at the bottom. Anyways, here's the chapter, and thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Dia's POV

When did everything go wrong? I thought today was going to be normal. Let me rewind a bit.

Today started off normal. It was Jesse's first day, so we all took turns showing him around and helping him out during class, etc. I helped him out during orchestra, pointing out which kids to avoid because they're willing to sabotage your instrument to make you fail a chair test. There are quite a few of those. Jesse and I had met up with Frances after orchestra, and we were walking to lunch. That's when we heard the yelling.

Phillip's POV

So apparently the universe hates me and wants to ruin my day. It started out so good, and ended so badly. But I should probably start from the beginning.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far, away, actually it was just this morning. The day started out normal, with one addition. It was Jesse's first day, and he's in my first period Bio class, so we walked to class together. No big deal. I didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm pretty sure I slept through second and third period. Soon enough, it was lunchtime. That's when everything went wrong.

I stopped at my locker to put my books away, like I always do, because the American school system is like scoliosis waiting to happen. Why do you think they test you for it like every year? But that's not important. What's important is that George Eacker, the Draco Malfoy to my Harry Potter, the Luke Castellan to my Percy Jackson, the Leslie Odom to my Lin-Manuel Miranda, etc., was standing a few feet away at his locker talking to his friends. Another important detail; I could hear every word he was saying, and he knew it.

"I'm surprised Hamilton hasn't gotten us all sick yet, everyone knows immigrants carry diseases."

I had heard it all before. Immigrant, illegal, disease, deportation, I like to think I've become immune. But it still stings.

"And now, there's TWO of them. At least the girl is hot. If she wasn't here illegally, I'd make a move."

Oh no. He did NOT bring Dia into this. I may be used to the jokes, but I've seen her face when the Plastics talk like that. She looks like she's going to cry, no matter how hard she tries to hide it. Not cool, Eacker, not cool. I'm about to go over there and confront him when he makes one final statement. About Dia. It was so vulgar, I'm not even going to repeat it. If my mom heard me talk like that, I'd be a dead man. He is NOT getting away with this. I finish putting my books in my locker and head over to confront him.


Dia's POV

Frances, Jesse, and I glance at each other, then immediately head towards the yelling. Because inside the circle of students is two boys. And one of those boys looks and sounds a LOT like Phillip. Once we get close enough, Frances immediately pulls out her phone and starts recording. I looked at her in confusion.

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