Everything I Know

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Surprise! Double Update!

Dia's POV

When I walked into English, I knew something interesting was going to happen. There was an extra chair in the front of the classroom, and a stack of books on Ms. Laurens' desk. I sat down next to Phillip and Frances, who were already talking about what might happen.

"Your mom tell you anything?"

"No! All I know is we're supposed to start a class novel today."

It seemed like it took longer than normal for everyone to get to their seats, but finally the bell rang. Ms. Laurens stood up and addressed the class.

"As I'm sure you all have noticed, the set-up is a little different in here today. We are starting a class novel, and I have a special guest. She's the author of the book we will be reading, and she agreed to come and talk to you all about it before we start the book. So I'll give my customary new book rant, then she'll come and talk to you all."

Well this is new. Everyone started talking, until Ms. Laurens slammed her hands down on the desk dramatically and started her lecture.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird. We had the conversation at the beginning of the year that we would be talking about and reading things that might make some of you uncomfortable. We've also talked about some heavy topics. This is one of those times. If it hasn't dawned on you all yet, I am not a white person. Most of the people at this school are white. Because most of you are white, you do not realize that people of color have different experiences than you. So I'm here to pop your little white privilege bubble. The book we are reading is not fiction. It's called Everything I Know, and it was written by a Latina woman about the struggles that she and three other Latina women close to her faced in their lives. The woman who was a grandmother to her, her mother, and her best friend. The author will be here in a moment, so in the meantime I am going to pass out your books."

I tuned out the second half of that. Because just my luck. That book? The author is my Aunt Nina. The grandmother is Abuela Claudia, who I was named after. The mother is Ms. Rosario. And the best friend? That's my mom. Why did no one tell me this was happening?

"Uh, guys?"

"Yeah, Dia?"

"You know how I always say that I think the universe hates me?"

"Yeah, did something happen?"

"Something's about to. The author who's coming to speak to us is my Aunt Nina."

Phillip and Frances both look slightly shocked at that statement.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. The grandmother Ms. Laurens mentioned was Abuela Claudia, who practically raised my dad. That's who I'm named after. And the best friend is my MOM."

"Oh, wow. That is horrible luck."

"Thanks, Frances. Don't you think I'm aware of that?"

Phillip called Ms. Laurens over as she finished passing out books.

"Aunt Peggy!"

"Yeah, Pip? What's up?

"Aunt Peggy, you do know you invited Dia's AUNT to come talk to the class, right?"


She just seemed confused, which is normal. Guess I should try to clear things up.

"We're not really related. But she's my mom's best friend. The friend in the book? That's my mom, Vanessa de la Vega."

"Oh, Dia, I'm so sorry! If I'd known beforehand I would have warned you. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

There's a knock on the classroom door. Aunt Nina must be here. Ms. Laurens goes to open the door, but turns back to us quickly.

"Do you want me to tell her that you're in this class so she's not surprised?"

"Yes please."

Ms. Laurens goes and opens the door, then whispers to Aunt Nina for a moment. Then she leads her inside.

"Alright, everyone. This is Nina Johnson, the author. Please treat her with respect, and try to act more like civilized human beings than you normally do."

Aunt Nina sits in the chair at the front of the room and starts talking. I'm not really listening, which I know is rude, especially because she's family, but I've already read the book and I'm too preoccupied trying to figure out what I've done in my life to make the universe hate me. The talk seems to stretch on forever, but soon enough it's almost the end of the class period, and Aunt Nina's taking questions. That's when I tune back in.

"So, you live here in New York?"

"I live in Jackson Heights, which yes, is in New York."

"Why did you only write about women?"

"Well, as you can see, I am not a man, so I felt that I wouldn't be able to tell their stories as well."

"So there are other people you could have included in the book?"

"Sure, there's a lot. The main ones I probably could have included are my husband, my father, or my friend Vanessa's husband. You'll read about them in the book."

Oh yeah. My class is going to be reading a book with my mom and dad in it. That's so beyond weird I don't even have an adjective for it.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Jackson Heights, I was born there. My parents immigrated here from Puerto Rico."

"Are they here illegally?"

That question was from one of George Eacker's friends. Eacker is still suspended because of his fight with Phillip, but his blockhead friends have been causing trouble in his place.

"No, my parents are legal American citizens now. The whole process is described in the section on my mother, which you'll read in the book."

"And, I think that's a good place to stop! Thank you, Nina, for stopping in. The bells are about to ring, so you all should probably pack up. We'll start the book tomorrow. Bye everyone."

The bell rings and everyone leaves, but Phillip, Frances, and I stay behind. Aunt Nina immediately walks over and gives me a hug.

"Dia, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you! It was a last minute thing and I honestly didn't know this was your class."

"It's alright. Aunt Nina, these are some of my friends. Phillip, Frances, this is my Aunt Nina."

Phillip reaches out and shakes her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, ma'am. I'm looking forward to reading your book."

I thought I heard Frances mutter "suck-up" under her breath as she introduces herself. Then Ms. Laurens gives us a welcome reminder.

"You guys really should get to class. You don't want to be late."

"Oh yeah, see you Aunt Nina!"

"It was nice meeting you!"

"Yeah, what he said."

We head out the door and to our next classes.

"So, Dia, are YOU in the book?"

"Nope. My mom getting pregnant is mentioned, but I'm not in it."

"Darn. I wanted to know someone famous."

"Really Frances!"

Maybe having Aunt Nina here wasn't as bad as I thought.

1202 words

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