Meet The Plastics

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Author here. I know it's been a long time, but I'm back with a new chapter. I checked my notifications earlier and guess what? People are actually reading this! Having people actually read my stories is a great motivator, so here I am, with a new chapter. So, have a Linammon Roll above, and enjoy.

Dia's POV

That was really weird. Is it normal to get cornered by a couple of Barbie dolls on your way home from school? Cause that didn't seem normal.

I had just left the building in a really good mood. I didn't get lost, and I already have a group of friends. And on the first day! As I turn the corner, I almost bumped into three girls standing there. It almost seemed like they were waiting for someone. Weird.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you."

"Yeah. Make sure it doesn't happen again."

The girl in front brushed off her immaculate white blouse, as if my presence was getting it dirty.

"Anyway, you're actually kinda pretty, and we were just coming to see if you would want to eat lunch with us tomorrow. You'd have to lose the braids though, and those clothes. They look like they came from a thrift store."

My jeans did actually come from a thrift store. There's nothing wrong with thrift stores, especially if your family doesn't have much money like mine. Plus, why would I want to eat lunch with the girl who basically insulted everything about me but my face?

"Uh, no thanks. I'm fine sitting with my friends."

"Oh, you mean those losers? Phillip is tolerable, because he's hot, but the rest are total trash. And it's only matter of time until Phillip is mine, so soon that whole group will be worthless. You might as well distance yourself now."

"Ok, those are my friends, so don't insult them, especially in front of me. Plus, why would I want to eat lunch with someone as fake as their hair color?"

The front girl seemed offended, though I thought I caught the dark haired one laugh under her breath. My attention was soon turned back to the leader girl, though.

"How dare you! My hair is completely natural! And you're going to regret turning us down when your social life goes down the drain just by association with those freaks!"

"Yeah, if your hair is natural then I'm white. Also, if it wasn't clear to you, I'm the new kid, so I don't have a social life anyway. Now bye."

With that, I walked off. I'm pretty sure the leader girl was glaring at my back, but I didn't turn around.

Flashback over

I'll ask. I mean, what if something bad comes from me turning them down? Crutchie and the rest should know, they've gone to school here for two years.

The Freakshow

DiaDiaDia: hey, do u guys know these three girls? I don't know names, but their clothes looked really expensive and they were rude. They cornered me after school.

PipThePoet: Let me guess, two blondes and one with brown hair

Area51Janis: acted like they were better than everyone else?

DiaDiaDia: yeah, so what's up?

I❤️DannyDevito: we call those three the Plastics

Area51Janis: they're shiny, fake, and hard

BetterThanU: Karen Smith- nice girl, but dumb as a rock

Conman: Gretchen Weiners- knows everything about everyone, including their biggest secrets. Big hair.

PipThePoet: and Regina George- queen bee, always gets what she wants, terrifying to freshmen, WILL ruin ur life

ISpeak4TheTrees: she scares me

AlmightyCrutchie: we should have warned u Dia, I should have known they would try and talk to u

DiaDiaDia: it's alright, I don't think anything could have prepared me for that

Cowboi: what did they want?

DiaDiaDia: she asked if I wanted to have lunch with them tmrw, and insulted my hair and clothes in the process

I❤️DannyDevito: sounds like Regina

AlmightyCrutchie: what did u tell her?

DiaDiaDia: I said no politely, that I would rather sit with u guys, then she started insulting u, so I asked her why I would want to sit with someone as fake as their hair color

U go girl

Area51Janis: what did she say? Just wondering if it was different than usual

DiaDiaDia: she called u guys worthless, which is soooo not true, and she said the only tolerable person in the group was Phillip, "cause he's hot, and it's only a matter of time until Phillip is mine" or something like that


PipThePoet: she already tried once and I said no, does she not understand that?

AlmightyCrutchie: anyway, just be careful. U may have made an enemy out of Regina, which most of us have, so welcome to the club.

DiaDiaDia: alright thx, see u guys at school

DiaDiaDia has left the chat


Alright, folks, we did it. Another chapter. This one isn't very long, but there's a lot of texting, which takes FOREVER to type. Don't judge. Please read and comment. I want to hear what you like, what you don't like, what you find funny, any references you catch, etc. Just please keep it polite. The world needs more positivity, and no one likes rude comments.
I know things are a bit crazy out in the real world right now, but just hold on. To quote the koala from Sing that I can't remember the name of "You know what's great about hitting rock bottom? There's only one way left to go. And that's up." The world needs more positivity.
Don't forget to keep on smiling and keep on surviving everyone
Peace out ✌️

759 words

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