We're All In This Together

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We made it! Last big chapter! It's showtime.

Don't forget to comment.

Dia's POV

We've got half an hour until the show starts, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Which is not a new feeling, but that's besides the point.
I'm sitting in the dressing room backstage, doing my makeup. It's hectic back here, kids running around doing last minute mic checks and looking for pieces of their costumes. Somewhere in the distance I can hear Grace yelling cause her hat is missing.
Oh wait. Now Dylan's yelling back that she found it.
Now Grace is wondering how her hat got on top of the basketball hoop for Get Your Head In the Game.
I really need to work on the whole eavesdropping thing.
I finish my makeup and get in costume for the top of act one, then just kind of hang out. I found Pip and we went over lines, then he had to go finish getting ready, so I was left alone again. With about ten minutes to curtain, I decide to go and sneak a peek at the audience. That is a BIG crowd. Towards the middle, I manage to find my mom and dad, Aunt Nina and Uncle Benny, Uncle Sonny, and Carla. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Angie, Will, and Mr. and Mrs. Laurens are in the row behind them. I STILL can't get over how much my dad and Mr. Hamilton look alike. Then I hear someone behind me.

"Dia, come on! They called places!" Pip said anxiously, waving me over from the hallway that goes onto the stage. I walked over to him, going to head onstage, when he stopped me.

"Wait a second."

He pressed a quick kiss on my lips, then gave me a snarky smile.

"Break a leg, Gabriella."

"Right back at you, Troy."

We headed to the stage and took our places for the ski lodge as the curtain rose.

Let's do this.

Pip's POV

The curtain just went down at the end of act one, and I'm already exhausted. There were a few messed up lines, someone dropped a basketball, but other than that it was a pretty good first half of the show. I'm walking through the wings to go change into my next costume when I run into an overly anxious girl pacing the hallway.
That's Dia.
I'm an idiot.

"Hey are you ok?"

She looks up in surprise, then relaxes when she sees it's just me.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just nervous. I feel like we didn't get to work on act two as much as I would have liked to."

"Dia. I'm nervous too. We'd be crazy not to be at least a little bit nervous. But you're going to do great. You know this part. And most of the time I'll either be right offstage watching you kill it or I'll be onstage right next to you. So don't freak out. You were amazing for act one, and you'll be amazing for act two."

She smiled a little, and I grabbed her hand and pulled her up from where she was sitting on the floor.

"We should go get ready. Intermission is almost over."

"Yeah. Thanks Pip."

My amazing girlfriend led the way as we headed back to the wings, ready for act two.

Let's do this.

Dia's POV

Act two goes by in a flash, and soon it's time for the final song. I've been both dreading and looking forward to this part. Also, I get to kiss Pip. It's not such a big deal now that we're dating, but thinking back to how I felt about it before that night on the fire escape makes me laugh. We've come a long way since the beginning of the school year.
Grace is standing on top of the set, dancing as she performs Ryan's part of the scene. Then the focus is back on Pip and I. He comes across the stage, singing his part. Then he reaches me. He leans in, his lips meeting mine as the audience cheers in the background. We broke apart, both grinning our faces off, to finish the song. As I lined up with the rest of the cast for the end of the song and our bows, it finally hit me. We did it. We finished the show. I was so worried about screwing up, but the rest of the cast was there to help me out, and we made it through. Pip grabs my hand on one side, and Damien grabs my other hand for bows. We stand and face the audience, soaking up the cheers. We did it. We did it.

We're all in this together.

We did it!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry this isn't very long, but they were on stage most of the time and I didn't really know how to write that.
Epilogue next!

773 words

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