How to Throw the Perfect Birthday Party

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The pic is the necklace that Phillip gets Dia.

Phillip's POV

Today started out pretty normal, considering who I'm friends with. Our whole group is meeting in the auditorium to hang out, but right now we're just waiting on Dia to show up.

"Damien, WHAT are you doing?"

"French homework."

"It looks like you're watching Miraculous Ladybug."

"It's studying!"

"It has nothing to do with your French class."

"It's set in Paris, ok! It's relevant!"

"Keep telling yourself that."

A few minutes later, Dia finally showed up. She threw her bags down, flopped down next to me, and put her head on my legs like a pillow, which couldn't be very comfortable.

"That can't be very comfortable."

"Not really, but I'm too tired to care."

"Do you want to use my hoodie as a pillow?"

She nodded, so I grabbed my hoodie out of my bag and passed it to her. She bunched it up and put it under her head.

"Why are you so tired?"

"I stayed up until 3 am studying for a test we were supposed to have in history, then Mr. Lee moved it to next week, so I sacrificed sleep for NOTHING. So I'm going to nap now."

Like a minute later, my phone went off.

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Cowboi: U guys are so cute

PipThePoet: What's with the chat name?

Cowboi: it's your ship name. U and Dia.

BetterThanU: yeah and it sucks

Cowboi: do u have a better idea frances

BetterThanU: Pia. Duh

Cowboi: Dillip

BetterThanU: Pia

Cowboi: Dillip

BetterThanU: Pia

PipThePoet: does it matter?

Cowboi: YES

BetterThanU: YES

Cowboi: anyways, is Operation Dia's B-Day still a go?

BetterThanU: yep. The plan is as follows. Tomorrow is Saturday. Pip will distract Dia all day while the rest of us set up the party in the auditorium. Jack and Crutchie r on decorations. Janis and Damien r on food. Once they get everything here, me, connor, and evan will set everything up.

PipThePoet: sounds good

Cowboi: yep

My attention is returned to my tired girlfriend when she pipes up from her spot by my feet.

"What's up? Is Frances spamming you again?"

"...yeah! Um, it's just Frances. Um...I'm not getting that hoodie back anytime soon, am I?"


The Next Day

Phillip's POV

Today is Dia's 17th birthday. We're planning a surprise party for her this afternoon in the auditorium, and it's my job to keep her busy all day while everyone is setting up. So I told her that Miss Medda wanted us to work on Breaking Free today, cause it's not at the place she wants it. Of course, the song is pretty much perfect, mostly because I have a very talented girlfriend, but I needed an excuse. The problem is, we're working on the song at the school. While the party is being set up.

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