Crutchie Makes an Entrance

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Chapter 2 has arrived. In this chapter, we meet everyone's favorite pape-selling newsboy with a smile that spreads like butter (the kind that turns a lady's head). I'll put a key at the bottom so you know who the different screen names in the group chat mentioned are. Hope you enjoy and please please PLEASE give me comments so I know what you think!

Dia's POV

Alright. I'm standing in front of the school. You know, the stereotypical new kid shot where they're standing in front of a school, staring in fear/wonder at the front doors while hundreds of kids flood around them like a river of inappropriate jokes and hormones? That's basically what's happening here.
Mental checklist time. I make them for almost everything, otherwise I feel like I will forget to do something important.
Step one. Go to the front office and get my schedule and a map of the school. Step two. Find my first class. Step three. Figure out where to sit in my first class. Step four. Make a friend. That last one was what I was most nervous about. Anyway, back to step one. Inside the school, to the right and down the hallway. There's a desk with a receptionist at it. She's older, with brown hair. The nameplate on her desk says Ms. Washington. Great, now I have to talk to her.

"Hi, sweetie, how can I help you?"

Ok, she talked to me. Great.

"Yeah, um, can I get my schedule and locker assignment? I'm new."

"Oh sure, sweetheart. Can I get your name?"

"Claudia de la Vega. Could be under D or under V."

"Ok, here you are. Locker number 96. And your schedule. Looks like you have AP US History with Mr. Lee first." She pulled out a map and highlighted a hallway. "Down this hall, last classroom on the left. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you get lost."

Pfft. Yeah right. Like I'm going to ask another student or teacher for directions. I'm a junior, that would just be awkward. Oh look, she's talking again.

"If you need anything, come find me or my husband, Mr. Washington. He's the vice principal, so he can help you or direct you to someone who can. I hope you have a good first day!"

Yeah. Me too. I thank her politely and walk out the door. Get my schedule, check. Locker time. Locker number 96, put in the combo, and we're in. Wait, no, that makes me sound like I'm robbing a bank. Anyway, checking my schedule, I shove all of my books and binders for the classes after lunch onto the shelf. My mom bought me a little whiteboard with a red frame to put in my locker for reminders, so I put that in. Add my Puerto Rican flag magnet (I couldn't find a DR one) and my locker is good to go. Time to find my first class.

It's a fairly short walk, and then I'm outside the classroom. It's still about 10 minutes until the bell, so almost no one is in their classes. Apparently Mr. Lee isn't here either. The only person in the classroom is a blond boy sitting in the very back. He looks younger than a junior, even though you have to be a junior to take this class. He's wearing a way too big blue hoodie, and reading a beat up copy of The Son of Neptune. Respect. The only thing odd is the single silver crutch leaning against the wall behind his desk. I guess I should probably go in the classroom.


The boy looks up from his book.

"Is this Mr. Lee's room?"

"Yeah, you're in the right place."

I walk into the classroom. Find the classroom, check. Next step on the checklist, pick a spot to sit in. I'll probably just-

"You can sit by me if you want, I don't mind. Being the new kid sucks."


Problem solved. I take a seat in the spot next to him, pull out a pen and a piece of paper, and attempt to settle my instrument case where I won't kick it every five seconds. Wait, if I'm going to sit by this kid, I should probably introduce myself.

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