When There Was Me And You

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Have some Pip x Dia fluff.

Dia's POV

The first week post-Pulitzer has been interesting. Most people are glad he's gone, but we occasionally get dirty looks or comments from kids in the hallways who actually agreed with Pulitzer. Anyways, it's rehearsal time. Miss Medda is really focusing on Status Quo today, so she's having Phillip and I go work on Start Of Something New in the back room. But first she pulls us aside to talk to us.

"Since you two are minors, I can't make this a requirement, but there's a kiss between Troy and Gabriella at the end of We're All In This Together in the script. It can be taken out, but I wanted to let you two decide. So why don't you head to the back room to work on the duet, and you can give me an answer at the end of rehearsal."

"Sure, we'll talk about it. Thanks Miss Medda."

We head into the back room, and Phillip sits down at the piano. I take a seat on the bench next to him. We sit in silence, both thinking about what Miss Medda said. Phillip starts picking out scales on the piano.

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine."

He blushes when he notices me listening.
"Sorry. My mom taught me it. It helps me think."

"No, you're good. It's really pretty."

He muttered something that sounded like "You're really pretty" under his breath. But I probably heard him wrong. Then he turns back to me.

"What do you think? About the kiss?"

"I really don't know. What about you?"

"I think we should do it."

That surprises me. I honestly didn't know if he'd agree. One day I think he likes me back, the next day I think I'm just a friend. He kissed me once, but he was angry and I don't know WHY he did it.

"You do?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's acting, so I think we could do it."

Oh. It's just acting for him. I don't know what I thought. But acting, I can do that. I can do acting.

"Alright, let's do it then."

"Cool, now do you want to work on the song?"


Guess I'm keeping this to myself a day longer.

Phillip's POV

It's been a week since the school board meeting. A week since we got Pulitzer fired. It's been great, mostly. I get the occasional dirty look from some stuck-up white kid who actually liked Pulitzer, which seems impossible cause I don't know how anyone could like Pulitzer. It's rehearsal time, and I think they're running Status Quo. I'm not in that number, but Damien is VERY excited. Miss Medda is having Dia and I run Start Of Something New in the back room today. But she pulls us aside before we can head back there.

"Since you two are minors, I can't make this a requirement, but there's a kiss between Troy and Gabriella at the end of We're All In This Together in the script. It can be taken out, but I wanted to let you two decide. So why don't you head to the back room to work on the duet, and you can give me an answer at the end of rehearsal."

A kiss? What am I supposed to do about that? I kissed Dia once, without thinking, and we haven't talked about it since. Could I do it again? Oh wait. I've been standing here thinking and ignoring Miss Medda.

"Sure, we'll talk about it. Thanks Miss Medda."

Nailed it. Dia and I head to the back room. Out of instinct, I head over to the piano and start playing scales. I've always had problems with my temper, especially when I get overwhelmed or see something I thought was wrong. My mom taught me to count along in French to little piano scales when I was younger so that I could cool down. They've always helped me think. And I definitely need to think about this.

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine."

Oops. I kind of forgot that Dia was there. But there she is, sitting next to me on the piano bench, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Sorry. My mom taught me it. It helps me think."

"No, you're good. It's really pretty."

"You're really pretty."

Whoops, that just slipped out. Luckily, I don't think she heard me. I can tell I'm blushing. Just change the subject, change the subject.

"What do you think? About the kiss?"

"I really don't know. What about you?"

"I think we should do it."

Why do I think we should do it? Because I really want to kiss her again. I actually really want to kiss her right now, sitting right here on this piano bench next to me. But I don't. She also looks surprised at my answer.

"You do?"

Ok, what do I tell her so she doesn't know that I just really want to kiss her? It's acting, yeah, it's just acting.

"Yeah. I mean, it's acting, so I think we could do it."

Wow, that sounded really harsh. I probably could have worded that better.

"Alright, let's do it then."

Ok, so she agreed. And she obviously is just agreeing to the acting. It's not like she would actually like me, she's just agreeing to play her part. We should probably just work on the song.

"Cool, now do you want to work on the song?"


Guess I'm keeping this to myself a day longer.

And that's a wrap. Sorry I haven't updated in forever, I've been working on some other ideas I've had. Comment if you guys would be interested in another book. Don't forget to keep on smiling and keep on surviving everyone.
Peace Out ✌️

935 words

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