Stolen Kisses

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Happy new year in advance, here is my early gift for all of you, hopefully 2021 will bring happiness, joy and everything you wished for.

Warning, kyunki jruri hai 😅 :

Iss chapter ka real life aur maybe logic bhi  se dhur dhur tk koi vastav nhi hai..
This is just a chick - lit, cliche love story, kindly dont take it personally

Anirudh stood there analysing the situation,'' he is 4 year old that means Bondita was pregnant before she left, that means he is mine '' he said a tear of happiness started flowing through his eyes.

Closing his eyes he remember the scene, her in his hand, looking ecstatic, moaning  his name in pure pleasure.

'' that means, every night the dreams that came in my sleep, the reason of him falling asleep every night with a smile on his face,that dream  is not just a dream but a  reality,
That means Advait is mine, '' thinking it he got up of the ground
Jumping, shouting dancing he doesn't know how to express his happiness, it was like he will explode due to it.

'' i am a father '' he jumped with a smile reaching his eyes.

Today was surely a roller-coaster day for him, moments earluer he fall on the ground thinking he lost everything and look at him now jumping in joy, he surely got everything, nothing he can even ask more.

'' but why did Salim lied that day, he told me i was alone''as soon as that thought crossed his mind, his smile dropped.

Taking his phone out he dialled Salim.

' 'hey buddy whats up?' 'Salim asked.

' 'tell me, what happened that night at your party?' 'Anirudh asked cutting the formalities.

' 'Bro i can explain' 'Salim said and explained everything to him.

After some time, Anirudh was at Bondita' s door beating her door impatiently.

'' who is it, i am coming, stop knocking '' Bondita said in a irritated voice coming downstairs and as soon as she opened the door Anirudh barged inside.
His eyes held anger, seeing which Bondita knew he was up for some confrontation, all she worried about was going to happen now and this scared her more, though she didn't found any hatered in his eyes as she expected, which did gave her some relief.

'' why didn't you told me? '' Anorudh asked caging her in.

'' what did i not told you? '' Bondita said trying to escape but he just tightened his hold.

'' don't try to play games right now Bondita, why didn't you told me about Advait? I am his father, and i do have a right over him, why didn't you told me about him'' Anirudh said with a fury.

Whereas this angered BONDITA too, of which right is he taking about, he didn't even remember the night that he himself promised he would remember till his death bed, and what right, she took care of him, she was there when he left her side trusting his ex over her.

'' of what right are you talking about, how could you even claim to be his father, do you even know how babies are born, you didn't love me, then how can he be  yours, he can be of anyone, i could have moved on, i could have cheated you '' Bondita said shouting, she don't know what took over her at that moment, she wasn't talking sense, but she couldn't help, her bubble of anger, the one that was growing for years now, finally found the sharp edge today and it just bursted.

Whereas her each words were angering him more , how could she doubt his love, how could she say his son isnt his, how could she degrade her own character, with that he claimed her lips in his, the kiss that was initiated to punish her, to shut her up soon became something else, something more sensual, his hands going down holding her by her butt, kissing her hard, he know he missed her but today he know how much, there was an urgency in the kiss, her lips were keeping him sane, him pouring all his anger, his emotions, his love in the kiss, though the only thing a miss was she not responding, he was about to go back, when he found herself pushed a little back, with his back lending on the wall, and soon he found her kissing him, never have he seen this dominant side of hers, and if he will say he like it, that will be false because he absolutely love it, her kiss was rough, still passionate, soon her hand found a way towards his hair, pulling it a bit, and he almost moaned.

Seperating from each other when the need of air kicked in, both of them taking in air as if they have runned a marathon but there eyes still looking at each other filled with passion.

'' how dare you, call my child as someone's else, just look at him even a fool  could tell he is mine '' Anirudh said still half panting.

'' i, i.. '' Bondita said in a low voice, realising what she did and she know it wasn't correct.

'' Bondita, i know what transpired between us, that night, though not completely but still it is something so beautiful that cant be completely forgotten, and to be honest even if i didn't, i still wouldn't have believed what you said, i know you can never cheat me '' Anirudh said coming closer to her, whereas listening to him  her heart finally found her lost peace, all her worries of him not accepting Advait went away, she felt as the walls that she tried to built around her heart weren't that strong because they are already shaking.

'' but why..? '' she asked looking into his eyes with hope, she dont know why but her heart has started somewhere trusting him again.

'' because i love you, and when there is love there is trust, you dont doubt the person you love, because that will be doubting your love, and i trust my love '' Anirudh said, him inches away from her.

And listening to it Bondita remembered Suraiya 's word.

Anirudh stretched his hand toward her and she closed her eyes expecting a hug but that never came rather Ani took the photo frame of her and a new born Advait lying in her lap.

' 'i missed it' 'he said kissing the photo and even i blind could tell how much love and longing his eyes hold for his son, seeing which Bondita' s heart clenched, she did wronged both him and her son, though Advait never tell or ask anything but doesn't she know every time seeing his friends with their father's, the feeling of loneliness in his eyes, though her four year old has aged mentally more than his aged, but she know herself, the feeling of living without parental love.

'' i am really sorry '' she said and he looked at her, with his eyes red, and tears falling freely from his eyes.

'' i know Bondita, you dont believe me yet that i love you, but trust me, i love him and you, i really do want to be there for you guys, for my son, he is my angel that i even didn't knew existed, you know when i met him for the first time, i felt if i am not lost anymore, it was my love at first site, never have i felt like that before '' he said looking at the little Advait in the photo intently as if trying to picture himself there and live that moment.

'' you deserve him, its your right to be with him '' Bondita said putting her hand on his shoulder and listening to it, Anirudh 's happiness knew no bound immediately taking her hand in his

' 'Sachhi, will you tell him, i am his dad, will he call me baba?' 'He asked like a kid asking for his favourite toy.

' 'yes, tomorrow itself, i will tell him, you can come' 'Bondita said whereas he engulfed her in a hug..
' 'i am just giving you the permission to be with him, not with me' ' she said not hugging him back.

' 'yet.' 'he said and she looked up to him in confusion.
' 'yes, Bondita, you are not giving me permission to be with you now, but soon you will, i know, as i got my son today soon i will get my wife back' 'he said doing a happy dance and going out as soon she was about to close the door, when he quickly planted a kiss on her forehead and ran away whereas she stood there smiling, muttering ' pagal babu '', but why is she smiling, shouldn't she mad at at him, but this man is surely something.

Okay, it was really fun writing this one for me, and i am happy since now as she did bursted all her stored anger, now there are many more fun chap coming on the way.

Hope you all enjoyed it the same way as i did writing it.
If you did, kindly vote and comment, pls yaar jo nhi krta   kr dia kro... Writer ko thodi khushi milti hai, vrna oscar thodi koi dega yha.. 😅 😂

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