The Water Fight

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About previous chap, sorry i was lill busy, wasn't able to reply to all your lovely comments, but they did mean world to me.. Thanks for everyone who voted and commented.


Contains language, and scene not suitable for everyone.. Read at your own risk

Bondita did have a eventful day, with Suraiya giving a totally vague answer to her suddenly leaving her flat, she saw Salim taking her luggage away, though she did feel happy, but she also sensed something suspicious when specially at the exact same time Anirudh decides to enter her house, telling Suraiya he doesn't find a place to stay in, and Suraiya suddenly became, the goddess she never was, and offered him, her room, all this was just to good to be a coincidence, isnt it.

Now she is here trying to sleep in her room with Advait when she knows he is sharing the same roof as her, sleeping in the room next to her, though they have even shared a room before, but things weren't the same, now he knows she has feeling for her and on that he too claims he love her, it surely going to be an eventful day.

Lost in her thoughts she didn't even realise when sleep took over her, and she slept hugging Advait.

Soon she woke up with a jerk and found she was sleeping alone, immediately she checked the time, it was just 5 am, where the hell was Advait, panick took over her, and she immediately checked in the washroom, only to find it empty , now she was surely panicking, she went out and checked in Anirudh 's room only to find it empty too.

' 'did he just kidnapped her son, did he take her away from him' 'she know deep in her heart he can't, but at that moment her fear wasnt letting her think clearly.

All those thoughts went out of the window when she heard Advait' s laughter coming from outside and soon she reached out and all her doubts went away.

She saw one of the loveliest sight in front of her, Anirudh and Advait were having a water fight, Advait had a water gun trying to hide in the bushes whereas Anirudh was fearlessly enjoying losing this battle.

Bondita was so lost in the moment she didn't realise when Advait noticed her and joyfully he squealed 'mumma' ' pointing his water gun at her.

Immediately recovering from her dazed state as soon as water hit her body, she came back to her senses and she noticed Anirudh looking her, or better say checking her out, his eyes which were blank a few moment ago , now hold an expression she cant decipher, because no one has saw her so intently, but it was enough to make her blush, she felt his eyes travelling down to her legs and then stayed there for a moment, then again travelled up, she saw his cheeks turning red, and his adam's apple moving up and down, not understanding whqt happened she look down and realised she was wearing only a knee length nighty.

Her own cheek turning red at the realisation but still her heart fluttered knowing the effect she had on him.

'' dad what are you doing, why aint you aiming her, she is going to win '' Advait said and this bring both of them out of there little wonderland.

'' You traitor, your dad just returned, and you changed party '' Bondita said playfully and took the water gun near by playfully aiming Advait and he laughing out loud, he ran away.

'' help dad '' he sequeled.

And Anirudh point his gun and Bondita and both of them started splashing water onto each other.

Soon it turned out to be full fledged water fight, all three of them enjoying, putting water on each other.

Anirudh was about to win as he was the most dry one, so Bondita immediately tried to snatch his gun, and both fall down due to the wet slippery soil but Bondita still didn't gave up and tried to tackle him down, trying to snatch his gun.

'' daddy dont let mummy get the gun''her traitorous son said.

Soon in a blink, she found Anirudh switching the position with her on bottom and him on top and it felt like the moment stopped.

Both of them panting, there chest raising she felt Anirudh' s eyes darken a bit and his eyes travelling down to her chest and she felt things getting heaten up, his eyes snapped back immediately and she felt hardness between her thighs, realising what it is her cheeks turned red.

'' Dad, mom what happened '' Advait said and immediately realising where they are, Anirudh got up from her, his face growing crimson red.

'' uhmm.. I should go '' He said embarrassed.

'' Dad..? '' Advait asked confused but Anirudh alreasy rushed inside.

Bondita too went inside, her face heating up remembering what just happened, but it will be a lie if she say she didn't like it.

Soon as soon as she entered her room, her eyes fall on the mirror in front, and seeing herself in it her face grew red, her white gown was almost looking transparent.

''that mean' s he.. '' she thought and blushed even harder.

This surely is going to be an eventful stay.

Uhmn.. I dont know.. If i make sense there..
This surely was better in my imagination then when i started writing it.
If it is difficult for you all to imagine.. Feel free to tell.. I will try my best.. To be better at it.

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