Favourite Flavor

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Bondita was sitting lazily, with her one arm resting on  the kitchen counter , Anirudh is being amazing, he isn't letting her do anything, pampering her every now and then, taking care of her, not even letting her move.

Right now she is waiting for him, whereas he is gone to bring her another surprise.

Soon she found something being slided to her side.

'' chocolate ice cream '' she screamed in joy.

'' its my favourite '' she said looking him whereas he smiled.

'' i know '' he said and she digged into it.
Slowly eating her scoop, the ice cream melting inside her mouth, whereas she moaned its ecstasy devouring herself in its sweetness.

Whereas Anirudh just looked at her, old memories came rushing back, her in his hand with the same look of ectasy.

Bondita who saw him looking at her forwarded her ice cream.

'' though i dont share my chocolate ice cream but since you brought it, you can have some ''.

'' i dont think i should taste them '' Anirudh said back.

'' why, i said you can have it '' she said being persistent.
'' i think you will mind it '' he said in a little more husky voice.

'' what do you think i am, i said you can eat, i wont mind, then i wont''she said getting a little bit irritated..
' 'so you are sure i can taste my favourite ice cream?' 'he asked coming a bit closer.

' 'i said yes..' 'She couldn't continue further as Anirudh already bend down to her level, his one hand on her face pulling her closer, while his lips were licking the ice cream near her lips not exactly kissing them, which made her heart beat go erratic, her own eyes shining with desire, pool of butterfly wandering in her stomach, her hand slowly going toward his hairs pulling him closer, all she wanted now was him to capture her lips and she to be able to devour his taste, but before she could act on her thoughts suddenly a voice came

'' Daaddddyyyy''ADVAIT said seeing them both and with a quick movement Anirudh seperated himself from Bondita.

' 'Daddy, why were you eating my mom' 'Advait said angrily, his nose flaring, hugging Bondita and trying to hide her beneath his little figure.

Advait was looking in his eyes waiting for his answer whereas Anirudh was looking down, he look shit scared, never has he been so scared to answer someone back as much as he was scared by the 4 year old standing in front of him. Now he realised why everyone at his own house was so scared of his anger, because the 4 year was currently showing him how scary he must has looked.

Bondita who was observing this, burst out in laughter seeing her husband scared of there 4 year old.

'' mommy '' Advait asked not understanding.

'' Sorry honey, but your dad wasn't eating me '' she said going near Anirudh who was still looking scared.

'' then '' Advait asked confused.

'' Son, its just a kiss'' Bondita said a bit shyly looking at Anirudh who was looking at her back.

' 'two people kiss when they are in love' 'Anirudh replied back not breaking the eye contact.

' 'So that means i can kiss too, when i love someone' 'Advait asked innocently.

' 'No son' 'Anirudh smiled taking him in its lap.

' 'not without her permission, not without knowing she loves you back, and not till you are mature enough to know what love is' 'He replied back, looking at her whereas she just blushed.

' 'ohhh' 'Advait said understanding.

' 'But, daddy can kiss you, because daddy loves Advait' 'Anirudh said and bombarded Advait with load of kisses whereas Advait was trying to protect his face.

' 'No daddy, kissy is yucks' Advait said laughing whereas Anirudh continued to tickle him.

When finally Advait with able to break free, Anirudh 's kissing attack, he runned upstairs whereas Anirudh went toward Bondita.

' 'Sorry, i should have realised he will be here, i should have been careful' 'He said.

' 'haha, you should be, if i haven't intertwined, you would have definitely peed in your pants Mr Chaudhary' ' Bondita said laughing again.

' 'So you think i was scared?' 'Anirudh asked challenging her taking some steps toward her whereas she walked backwards.

' 'you were' 'She replied confidently.

' 'Am i' ' he said caging her, his lips only few centimetres away from her.

' 'ohh honey' 'Bondita said looking behind him and listening that Anirudh again seperated himself from her quickly, and looked down, scared and said' 'i wasn't doing anything thing Advait' '. But realised there was no one behind him and he was tricked.

Whereas Bondita looked at him, and laughed.

' 'i wasn't scared' 'she mocked him running upstairs.

' 'you' ' Anirudh said  ruffling  his hairs and having a big smile on his face, finally it seems like his family is about to complete, something he longed for since ages.

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