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Bondita was wearing a beautiful red Lehanga looking ethereal, she looked pretty decked up in jewellery and make up and wearing a smile so as to hide how broken and in pain she was.

She has completely engrossed herself in work moving here and there trying to keep her mind occupied so as to not let her heart mourn now. 

She heard the sound of music indicating the entry of baarat, so he was here and she looked at him, he look just like she has always imagine him to be, handsome. 

Trying to avoid her gaze from him she went to Saudamini 's room to check if she got ready or not, but to her surprise the room was closed, she knocked but nobody opened it, she was getting nervous with each passing knock but still there was no reply from inside only silence. 

So she hurriedly went to call her parents and Both Bhaumik and Sumati rushed and pushed the door and to everyone surprise it was empty there was no one. 

Bondita could feel her dad holding her mom providing her the support without which she would have maybe fallen . 

Bondita entered the room searching for her di, because she wasn't ready to accept what all possibilities her mind was showing, she was looking for her di in every corner of her room, when she found a letter. 

Dear Anirudh, and Mom and dad.

Anirudh ,i loved you ,with all my heart ,but i loved my dreams more ,i always tgought after marrying you we will leave India and live happily in london ,but you ,you destroyed all my dreams with your descision of staying here ,i cant live in a big family and leave all my dreams behind ,i am sorry i cant do that. If you can ,please forgive me.


Reading that Bondita could feel anger rising inside for her sister and for the first time she hated her sister, she didn't hate her when her sister basically stole her love but this time she has crossed every limits, how can she left a person like Anirudh, a guy who love her so much, how can she leave her own parents, the one who raise her with all love and care, and how can she think so ill about her own country the one who accepted her as its. 

Soon ROY CHAUDHARY FAMILY was called in the room, everyone tensed, Bhaumik and Sumati crying whereas Anirudh was just sitting holding the letter tightly without uttering a single word looking at the letter continuously. 

Bondita who was watching him standing in one corner of the room was breaking too, she so wanted to hold him, to comfort him but she was helpless. 

Bhaumik came and folded his hand and bent down in front of Trilochan, shocking every one specially Bondita, she cant see her dad getting disrespected. 

'' pleaee forgive me ,my daughter left me with no pride ,there is nothing i can do ,please forgive me' Bhaumik said crying whereas Bondita was standing there helpless having pure hatred for her sister. 

Bhaumik was about to rub his nose on Trilochan shoes when Trilochan stopped him as a gesture of apology. 

'' stop Bhaukik ,dont do this ,its not your fault ,infact i knkw a solution to this problem '' said Trilochan. 

'' solution ,what is there that can be done to solve this disastor'' Bhaumik asked hopefully. 

'' Bondita aur Anirudh 's marriage '' said Trilochan shocking every one and this was the first time even Anirudh looked up. 

'' No we cant do the marriage'' shouted Anirudh he cant give the punishment of Saudamini 's mistake to Bondita whereas listening to it Bondita' s heart broke a little more thinking he wasn't ready to marry her even when bith of the family 's reputation was at stake. 

' you guys have to marry ,our families ' reputation is at stake'' Said Binoy. 

'' But  dad'' Anirudh tried to interject. 

'' son i can lost everything in this world but not respect , dont take that away from me'' said Trilochan with tears in his eyes which scared Anirudh a little he knew how much respect mean to him. 

'' but' Anirudh tried to interject again, 

'' son i know its our fault ,my eldest daughter broke your heart ,but she my youngest daughter she is really nice ,she never thinks ill about anyone ,she is loving ,caring ,kindly dont punish her

The world wont spare her ,noone will like to establish relation with our family after knowing what Saudamini did ,no one will marry my Bondita '' said Bhaumik folding his hands leaving no other choice for Anirudh but to agree, he dont know why but his heart was more concerned about Bondita right now inspite of all the chaos that happened in his. 

Soon Bondita was getting ready for the wedding. 

'' i am really sorry my daughter we ,couldnt give you your dream wedding ,we too had lot of dreams for you ,please forgive us ,we shattered all your dreams '' said Sumati crying. 

'' Its not your or anybody 's fault ,whatever is destined one cant get more then that '' said Bondita assuring her mom. 

'' Are you happy with this marriage. '' sumati asked unsure thinking even if that was appropriate to ask. 

'' yes mom ,i am happy '' Bondita said. 

'' my daughter ,see Anirudh is a very nice man ,he is caring ,educated ,kind . And i know one day will come when he will be heads over heel in love you ,after all your my angel daughter '' said Sumati and Bondita just nod her heartbreaking, she knew he is very good but will there come a day when he will love her she was unsure. 

And with that Bondita was taken to the mandap she could feel some people staring her in shock specially Salim and Suriya, but she just gave a smile in his direction to assure him. 

And with that they performed all the wedding ritual, the kast being of sindoor dan when he put sindoor in her forehead and she closed her eyes, she could feel a little bit of sindoor on her nose and she smiled at the irony of her life, she remember her mom telling that if sindoor fall on nose that indicates that husband will love you a lot and here she is, not even the choice of her husband, just an unwanted wife. 

Happy diwali every one, this is my diwali gift for you all.
Special thanks to Nilanjan1234 for taking the effort and writing the rituals but after writing all the drama i realised the chapter was already big so didn't want to make it even longer by writing all the rituals.

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