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Bondita was still crying in the secluded corner, she really was broken and she really needed someone to hold her broken peices and prevent her from shattering on the ground.
So she called the only person who can understand her right now, the only person who knew about her feelings.
Soon later a man came and saw Bondita who was sitting pulling her leg closer by her hands, her eyes red due to crying and he immediately come and sit beside her, she was special for him, and he cant see her so broken.

'' Bondita.. '' he said.
'' Salim babu '' Bondita said crying.
'' He doesn't love me, he doesn't '' she continued crying, and told him everything and Salim just sat there listening that little girl, whom he always considered as his sister 's heartbreaking.

' 'i will kill him' ' he said angrily.

' 'no salim babu' 'Bondita stopped him holding his wrist.

' 'he isnt at fault ,it was just me who loved a man who will never acknowledge my feelings towards him' ' she said wiping her tears.

' 'Bondita  if he isnt at fault then why are hou punishing him ,its a big day for your sister shouldnt you be with her?' 'Salim asked calmly.

' 'you are absolutely right Salim babu' ' and with that Both Bondita and Salim returned back to the venue.

Salim saw Bondita still looking upset and to change her mood he dragged her to the dance floor, and Bondita out of his respect couldn't deny.

The were dancing on some bollywood song that was playing, and Salim could see a small smile on Bondita 's face he was happy, soon there was a partner swap and soon Bondita found her new partner to be the man, the man who she didn't want to see, the man who unknowingly broke her heart.

She looked in Anirudh' s eyes and Anirudh was staring at her back, she was so close to him, she could feel her heart beating, she knew it was wrong but she couldn't help but enjoy maybe her last chance to be near him, she slowly put her hand on Anirudh 's shoulder and if god too wanted that moment to be special, a romantic song started to play.
Anirudh felt electric waves on the sudden contact, he dont know why, he even didn't recognise the girl but still she felt familiar as if he has known her from eternity.

Slowly both of there legs starting swinging on the tunes and both were lost in each other 's eyes. Anirudh could see her eyes to be swollen and red as if she has cried for hours and he was already feeling angry on the person who made her cry.

Soon the song ended and when Anirudh looked up, he saw everyone staring at them in awe, Bondita blushed on realising she was the centre of attention.

Saudamini came to the couple and instantly reality hit Bondita, she felt guilty, guilty of letting her heart dominate her brain.

"So you both already met' ' Saudamini said coming and holding Anirudh by his waist whereas Anirudh' s eyes were fixated at Bondita who was looking down feeling guilty.

'' didnt you recognise her Anirudh ,she is my sister ,my Bondita '' Saudamini continued, smiling whereas Anirudh looked at her in shock, realising why she felt so much familiar
Whereas Bondita was now searching for a place where she can hide, she surely wasn't liking the new found attention or we can say his attention, Salim who was observing all this from far immediately came to his rescue, and she immediately holded his hand for support, she wanted him to hold her before she break in front of Anirudh.

Anirudh and Saudamini both saw Bondita holding hand of a man they dont know Saudamini was smiling at them, whereas Anirudh was having a straight face, with no expression looking intently at her hands that was clinging onto him.

'' Common Mishti '' Salim said.

''Yes'' Bondita immediately replied.
'' her name is Bondita '' Anirudh said loudly, making Bondita shocked and she looked at his direction, he was glaring now at Salim and when he saw her, his eyes flashed anger and hurt, and she immediately tightened her hold on Salim not understanding what happened, her heart beat increasing, though with the intensity he was looking at her made her knees go weak, but tgis time she was determined to let her heart dominate over her brain. Whereas Anirudh was angry on the new guy how can he call her Mishti, but he was more hurt when she didn't react, he remembered the past when she was his Mishti only.


Little Bondita was sitting angrily in her room when Anirudh came,
Looking at him she looked away.
'' if you came her just to scold me like mom ,then you can leave '' she said.
Whereas he smiled and came close with a handi of Rasogulla. (Indian sweet )
'' can i ever scold you Mishti '' replied Anirudh.
'' i just wanted to know why did you beat Batuk  '' he continued.

'' He called me Mishti''she replied turning to his direction.

' 'but why ,i always call you Mishti ,still you never stopped me' 'Anirudh asked confused.

' 'i dont like when anyone apart from you calls me Mishti  i am just your Mishti' ' said Bondita and before Anirudh coupd reply she ran away taking the handi of Rasogulla from his hand.
' 'My Mishti' 'said Little Anirudh and smiled, he dont know why but that give his heart so much relief.

Flashback ends.

When Anirudh was lost in the memories of past he saw Salim taking Bondita away from him, and he cant understand why but he was not liking this.
Before he could interject Saudamini hold his hand and asked him to come as she wanted to talk about something important.

Uhmmm.. Is it only me or anyone also smelt jealousy..? Haha..
So do you guys feel Anirudh like Saudamini only, or does someone else also feel that maybe Anirudh also has liked Bondita from start only but maybe because his brain would never accept a little girl as his soulmate, he was with Saudamini..? Because its the truth and dont worry he will realise it soonish.

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