Mission Andita

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It has been almost an hour of Salim sitting in the cafe tapping the desk impatiently and when he grew almost impatient and was about to leave the cafe, Suraiya came wearing a chudidar suit and Salim felt mesmerised, the red coloured suit making her naturally fair skin glow, she looked like what she is to him, his sunshine.

Suraiya waved her hand in front of him but he was so lost in staring her, he was in his own dream land, so Suraiya pinched him.

'' ouch, woman '' he screamed.
'' why did you called me here, i unlike you have lots of stuff to do '' Suraiya snapped.
'' sit na.. Dont you want to talk to me '' he asked sweetly.

'' i think you just called me, to waste your and my time, i should be going '' she said picking her bag up.

'' its about Andita '' he said in an attempt to stop her and sighed in relief seeing her stop, he did want to talk about them to her,but that was not the reason of calling her to talk, the main reason being, he just wanted to spend time with her, see her, breath the same air as of her, he mussed her a lot.

'' Andita? '' she asked confused.

'' you dont know Andita, under what rock you are living girl '' he said dramatically whereas she just give him weird look.

'' Andita.. Anirudh and Bondita''he said exaggerating.

' 'ohhh' 'she said understanding.

' 'what about them?' 'she asked with an unsure expression.

' 'i think we should play the cupid uniting them' 'he said excitedly holding her hand.
' 'unite them?' ' she asked nit understanding.

' 'yes mission Andita, and we can play the cupid, uniting those dumbheads..' 'he said, taking his googles out wearing it like detective on mission..

' 'what do you think, this is a movie, its real life Salim, how can we unite two people, who Allah had already destined together, See Allah have already planned there union, then how are we to write there love story' 'she said lovingly remembering how perfect they are for each other.

' 'so you are saying its wrong to help them' 'Salim asked confused.

' 'No i am not, but see How weird there love story is, every time things which weren't expected happened, earlier when Bondita was hopefully waiting for her love, it turned out to be her love was in love with someone else that someone else being her own sister, then when she accepted them to be together, Allah got her married to Anirudh babu, then when she didn't had any hope left on love, it turned out that Anirudh babu have loved her always.
Allah has already planned there love story more beautifully then we human can ever can.
He will destine them when the time will come '' she said dreamily.

'' its confusing '' Salim said not understanding.
'' you will see '' she said with a surity making Salim smile with a hope.

'' ok.. If you say, i wont do a thing, but can you please shift to hotel with me? '' Salum said and listening ut Suraiya glared at him.
'' i mean not in my room, in Anirudh 's, his is a single room, i guess he will love to live sometime there with Bondita and spend more time with Advait, if your room will be empty, Bondita wont be even able to deny' 'he told her whereas she said in a yes.

' 'that means it is a yes' ' Salim said excitedly mentally thanking Anirudh for this genius plan, that way he even could spend more time with her.

' 'i think i should go now' 'Suraiya said getting up.

' 'what about us?' 'Salim said stopping her yet again
' 'us..?' 'she asked.

' 'Suraiya, i know you dont love me, but cant we be friends, i really miss you' 'Salim said with a sad look melting her heart, why cant this idiot understand that she already love him, its already difficult to be rude with him, how can she be friends with him

' 'uhmm' 'she said not sure what to say.
' 'plss' 'he said, his eyes showed longing and Suraiya didn't find heart to refuse him now.

' 'ok' 'she said slowly, but he heard and engulfed her in a hug.

Whereas in Bondita' s house

ANIRUDH was sitting almost impatiently in Bondita 's couch, never in his entire life has he feeled so nervous, inside Bondita and Advait were talking and here his thoughts were clouded with millions of thought.
' 'what if Advait didn't liked him back' ' everyone fear rejection, but it was million times worse to get rejected by there own son, his feet turning cold.

Getting up and moving from here there, he was on the verge of pulling his hairs when suddenly he heard.

' 'baba' '

And surely that was the most melodious thung he ever heard, running towar Advait, he engulfed him in a hug.
' 'yes son, i am your dad' 'he said hugging him, his eyes filling with tears.

' 'baba, why are you crying, what happened are you hurt?' 'asked little Advait and Anirudh felt proud, his little one is juat adorable.

' 'No, i am not, they are happy tears' 'he said.
' 'ohh so you are like mumma, she is also such a cry baby' 'Advait said face palming whereas Bondita who was silently seeing all this glared at him, and seeing this Anirudh laughed.

Advait looked Anirudh lovingly, his family was finally completed and he hugged Anirudh with his little hands taking him by surprise.

'' i missed you so much, dad '' he said whereas Anirudh tightened his hold on him.

'' i am sorry son, i am a bad dad, but i wont leave you,  '' Anirudh said kissing his little face.

'' promise? '' Advait asked..

''promise' Anirudh replied and Bondita looked with her own heart filled up with many emotions, this was surely one of the best sight she ever saw.

Precap :some water romance coming up.

A small chapter i know, but i am little busy with my assignments, and also planning to edit this book and convert all the hindi dialogues i have written previously into english one.. Since some foriegn readers have even showed interest, and i feel honoured to be speaking honestly, i just thought only Andita fan 's read it, but people actually reading it for the plot i wrote, and not just for there love for the couple, it means something to me.

Kindly vote for this one.

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