Her Wishing Well

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Chap dedicated to Nilanjan, if you are reading this thanks man for helping and telling me about this beautiful place.. Its just so damn beautiful.

Pics above guys.. Check for yourself.


That day her night mostly consists of tossing from one direction to other, when all her night, she just dreamed about him, the night they shared, when without him even touching her now she could still feel herself getting tingles down her spine and specially when he is sleeping in the same room with her, sleeping like a baby without any distress, no trace of memory of yesterday night.

She dont know when she fall asleep that night, maybe the tiredness of yesterday night took over, the next day she woke up with a loud  alarm  voice.
Groaning she stopped the alarm only to realise she was late, she looked at the direction of the couch where he sleeps, and found it empty. So he must have got up already, feeling a little bad she got up with her weak legs wearing a turtle meck top hiding her yesterday night 's deeds, first time is surely painful,with resolve she wont do it again she descended downstairs a little relieved that she have to cook only for him as rest of the family hasn't returned yet from Batuk 'convention ceremony from London and when she reached the dining room she was pleasantly shocked, the dining table was already filled with dishes and he was standing there with a white apron on, standing with a little bend acting like a waiter.

' ' your breakfast is ready madame '' he said trying to fake an accent, whereas small smile came to her lips, he look cute.
'' what would you like to have,we have omelette, chicken tikka, Rasogulla, paneer tikka, made with love by our expert Chef Anirudh Roy Chaudhary at your service '' he said opening the lid from the plate presenting her the dishes.

'' you made it..? '' she asked a bit shocked.

'' yes, i did it wont be as good as you make but i tried.. '' he said smiling shyly.

Whereas she happily dug in, true it wasn't that good,just average but enough for her heart to melt as its truly said its love which makes food more delicious, for her it surely was her best meal ever, and seeing her eating peacefully he looked happily, he was so happy.

'' Bondita, i am really sorry, i shouldn't have left your side yesterday '' he said and listening to it all colours fade down her cheeks, she got up, leaving the spoon at the spot and went to her room saying she is already full.

'' what Anirudh, you upsetted her yet again, you have to do something special this time to seek her apology, how can you be so stupid , you left her alone yesterday. This is going to be difficult, but i have to do something big. '' with this resolve he went to his study to think about his perfect plan.

Soon it was night, Bondita was still in her room wearing her pink coloured pajama and full length top, she was about to go to bed when she heard some voices coming from her window, a bit scared and confused she went there and saw Anirudh who was standing down and throwing stone wrapped with chits, she catched one and looked at him in confusion, whereas he from outside signalled her to read, not understanding she asked again, and he signalled again with folding his hands, begging, now understanding what he meant, she hurriedly opened the chit

'Come down quickly'

It read, and though she initially gave him an uncertain look, ultimately gaving in she descended down quickly, and panting she stand in front of him whereas he looked at her in awe, her cute pink pj,  and her natural skin glowing in the moonlight was making her look uber cute.

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