She's Been Hurt (Marina)

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"Where's Bishop?" Jack called out as he watched the blaze roar fiercely in front of him. The team had been called to a fire in a school, starting from the staff kitchen which quickly began to spread. Fortunately enough, it was after school hours so most students and teachers had already left, however there were still a few after school activities and study sessions that were on. So that's where the first priority landed, getting everyone out. 

Maya took it upon herself to run in with the rest of the team, Andy, Jack, Vic, Dean, Robert and Travis because it would make the evacuation process quicker. However as they made their way through the hot halls, the scale of this fire appeared much bigger than anticipated. 

"Miller and Gibson! Go upstairs! Hughes and Sullivan! Cafeteria! Herrera and Montgomery with me!" Maya shouted over the sound of the fire alarm blaring as they all ran off, calling out for any people they may have missed. 

"Do we have back up coming?" Andy asked as they pushed open classroom doors. 

"Three minutes out," Maya replied as they pushed open the doors of the auditorium to reveal a group of students frantically looking around. "Okay, is everyone okay? Anyone injured?" The students, who looked around the ages of eight and nine, all shook their heads. 

"Where's a teacher?" Andy asked Travis as they looked around. Surely whoever was in charge of these kids didn't just run off and leave them here.  

"Okay, kids!" They turned around to see who they figured to be their teaching running in with a pile of t-shirts in her arms. "Oh thank goodness! I'm so sorry, I ran to the costume cupboard to get them all something to cover their faces with," She explained as she hurriedly handed all the children a t-shirt. "Okay, everyone. Hold these to your faces and the nice, strong fire people are going to help get us out safely?" 

Maya nodded to Andy and Travis to get them to start leading everyone out, the teacher following suit. As they walked through the doors, the sound of the fire was louder and they could hear glass smashing. Maya made sure that everyone had left as they were led to the fire exit, but as she was about to close the doors, she heard a little whimper. 

"Hello? Is anyone still in here?" She walked back into the auditorium and looked around. "Are you hurt?" She heard a little whimper again and walked round to the back of the seats, where she saw a little girl crouched down, her eyes wide with fear. "Hi. My name is Maya. I'm a firefighter and I can help you get out," The little girl stared at Maya as tears started to run down her face. 

"I want my daddy," She whimpered as she scooted back against the wall.

"If you come with me, I can help you find him," Maya said as she tried to block out the sounds of the crashing noises coming from down the hall. "What's your name?"

"Lacey," The little girl replied as she wiped her face. 

"Okay, Lacey. If you give me your hand," Maya held out her hand, the space Lacey had crawled into was small and she couldn't quite reach her.  "Come on. We can go find your dad," Maya tried to smile as much as she could from behind her mask but it was difficult as the auditorium got hotter and hotter. 

Back outside, Andy and Travis were making sure that all the evacuated students and teachers were okay. Thankfully, there didn't appear to be any injuries. 

"Where's Lacey?" The teacher whipped her head around, eyes scanning over the huddles of kids. 

"Lacey?" Andy asked as she stood in front of the teacher. 

"Small girl, blonde hair, green eyes," She described the girl as she frantically looked around. 

"Was she inside with you?" 

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