Home Is Wherever I'm With You (Marina)

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Maya Bishop quietly watched as her girlfriend, Carina DeLuca filled two bowls with spaghetti and meatballs then carefully walked over to the dinner table, placing them down next to the glasses of wine that Maya had poured for them. Steam was still rising from the bowls as Carina sat down and lifted her glass, each movement being followed by watchful blue eyes. 

"You know it is rude to stare?" Carina joked, raising her eyebrows as she put her glass back down then looked expectantly at her girlfriend. All Maya did was smile and pull her bottom lip between her teeth. "What Maya?" Carina laughed, her head tilted to the side. 

"Sometimes I forget how lucky I am," Maya sighed dreamily. "To come home from work and be greeted by my super beautiful girlfriend who cooks dinner for me,"

"What did you do?" Carina asked suspiciously, always questioning of Maya's random acts of affection. 

"Nothing," Maya laughed, raising her hands up in the air. "I just wanted to let you know that I love you,"

"Mhm. I love you too," Carina said, a hint of a smile on her face. "Now eat before it gets cold,"

"Why do they look different?" The Fire Captain questioned as she looked back and forth between their bowls. 

"I wanted vegetarian ones but you don't like the vegetarian ones," Carina replied as she lifted a forkful up to her mouth and gently blew on it. 

"Gosh, you really are perfect," Maya whispered to herself, shyly glancing up at her girlfriend before looking back down at her food. Every minute that she spent with Carina, she became more and more certain that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her. 


Maya proudly stood in front of her team at Station 19, making sure they were all stood properly before speaking. 

"As some of you may know," The Fire Captain began, a smile creeping up on her face that confused most of her team. "Tomorrow is Carina and I's anniversary," 

"Ah, my favourite couple," Travis sighed, his comment making Maya smile more though she didn't say anything else for a moment as she worked up the courage. 

"I'm going to ask her to marry me," Everyone started to excitedly talk over each other, Andy running over to Maya to pull her in for a hug. 

"You are?" She asked, her eyes wide. Maya nodded her head in response as Andy squeezed her hands. "Oh my gosh, Maya," Andy hugged her best friend again, holding her close. 

"Wait, I want in!" Vic announced as she jogged over to the pair and wrapped her arms around both of them. Not long after and everyone else joined the little group huddle, Dean supportively patting Maya on the back. 

"Okay, enough enough," Maya laughed as they all went back into their lines. "She hasn't said yes yet,"

"She will," Warren said calmly, feeling like a proud father. The smile hadn't left Maya's face yet, she hadn't told anyone of her plans until now and it all suddenly felt much more real. 

"I have let you all know because I need your help with setting everything up,"

"Yes! Whatever you need!" Travis said, waving his arounds excitedly. "Need me to slide down the pole and hand you the box? I'm your guy. Do a backflip off one of the trucks and then land in the splits? I could-"

"Thank you, Montgomery, but I already have my plan," Maya laughed as she nervously rubbed her hands together. "It's not so much the actual proposal you'll be involved with, but the set-up,"

"Whatever you need," Andy said, earning a bunch of nods of agreement. There was definitely a mutual feeling within the team that everyone was happy for their Captain.

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