She Promised (Marina)

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Maya Bishop watched as her girlfriend, Carina DeLuca gathered a large bundle of daisies, the task at hand proving to be quite simple as they were sat amongst a field of them. After a long week, Carina had surprised Maya with a picnic, driving them up to desolate field surrounded by blossom trees and scattered with flowers. They had arrived with the sun bright in the sky, painting them with a golden ray and illuminating Carina's deep brown eyes which Maya was certain she could gaze into for an eternity. 

Carina's dress was flowing around her shins as a light breeze rustled the leaves of the tree they were sat under, despite there being a perfectly good bench only a few feet away. They just used that for the picnic basket to sit as they both much preferred being closer to the grass while relaxed in each others arms. It was a blissful evening and neither would change it for the world. 

"Okay, I think I have enough for two," Carina announced as she made her way back over to Maya, a few daisies dropping from her hands as she walked. Maya held her hands out as she waited for Carina to transfer all the daisies over so that she could then sit down. The Fire Captain had her back pressed against the trunk of the tree, legs half bent and her bare feet being tickled by the blades of grass. Carina settled down to the side of Maya, resting her chin on her knee and smiling sweetly. 

"I don't think I know how to make these things," Maya said, still holding her hands out with the daisies piled up. 

"That's okay. I'll make them for both of us," Carina smiled, kissing Maya's knee then taking two of the daisies, wrapping their stems together and presenting it to Maya who just nodded her head. "It's not too difficult,"

"I'll probably end up ripping all the stems," Maya laughed softly as she settled for just resting all of the daisies on her stomach. It's not like she was moving anywhere anyway. She reached her hand out and ran it along Carina's arm, the feeling of her skin was so familiar to her. Whether they were cuddled up watching a movie, or holding hands as they walked down the street or pressed together under the covers after hours of love making. 

"I like you in this shirt. It's a nice colour," Carina said, glancing up at the pale blue, loose shirt Maya had on. Not as blue as her eyes but still pretty. "Do you want to wear a dress when we get married?" Maya smiled at Carina, then tilted her head to the side in thought. The idea of getting married to Carina was a soothing one, a happy one. 

"I'm not sure. Maybe. Do you?"

"Yes!" Carina paused with making the flower crown, perking up considerably as she looked at her girlfriend. "A grand white one with white lace all over my arms and across my chest and little details on the bodice and a tiara attached to my veil,"

"A tiara?"

"Si! And a long train and glass shoes like Cinderella," Maya just nodded her head as she let Carina speak. If Carina wanted a fairy tale sort of wedding, then she would give her a fairy tale sort of wedding. After a fairy tale proposal of course. 

"I think if I wore a suit, it would be a white one and depending on the theme of our wedding, I would have that colour rose attached but if I wore a dress... I think for me, I would choose a simple one. Just sleek and pretty," Maya said, still with a smile on her face. 

"Oh, and!" Carina, held up a finger as she remembered something. "Our something blue can be the hoodie you wore when we first met in the bar,"

"Was it blue?" Maya asked, trying to think back. 

"Yes, blue. Well, maybe more of a bluey-green but that's still basically blue. You still have it right? I know you have the jacket,"

"I think I do. It's somewhere,"

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