From The Same Star (Marina)

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"Magnolias or aquilegias?"

"Aqu-what?" Maya Bishop asked as she looked up from her laptop at her finacée, Carina DeLuca, who was staring down at her phone with an inquisitive look on her face

"Magnolias or aquilegias?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Maya laughed, returning her attention to the screen in front of her.

"For the flower arrangements," Carina said, holding her phone up to Maya and swiping back and forth between two photos of flowers.

"I'll look later," Maya commented, but Carina just rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. She felt like she cared more about piecing their wedding together more than Maya did, or that sometimes it was like she was forcing Maya to care.

"You always say later," The Fire Captain looked up again, immediately feeling guilty at the expression of annoyance and despair on Carina's face. She didn't mean to dismiss her so much when it came to planning their wedding, she just usually asked when she was already occupied. Maya typed a final thing into her laptop then lowered the screen before rounding her desk and leaning against it.

"We should really set out a time to properly go through things," Maya said as Carina handed her phone to her with the pictures of flowers still on the screen. "Which one is which?"

"First one is magnolias," Carina replied, looking up at Maya with a soft smile on her face. "I have everything written in my notes app,"

"In your notes app?" Maya questioned, laughing quietly. "You've been planning our wedding in your notes app?" Carina started laughing along with Maya and nodded her head.

"It's easy," She shrugged as she took her phone back.

"This weekend, we'll start properly planning it. I'll even get you one of those fancy wedding book things," Maya declared as she took a step towards Carina. "Okay?"

"Si!" Carina smiled, pressing a quick kiss to Maya's lips.



Maya had her head rested on Carina's shoulder, watching as she scrolled through pages and pages of wedding photographs as they tried to grasp inspiration. The only thing they were already certain on is that everything would be white and earth toned, though they were not sure if that meant that they wanted a venue outside.

"What did you dream about when you were younger?" Carina asked, trying to take a different route as she glanced down at the blank scrapbook page.

"Dream about?"

"When you thought about your perfect wedding," She clarified.

"I don't think I did," Maya replied after a moment. "I just never really pictured being with someone, let alone getting married,"

"Really? Not even a little bit?" Carina asked, a look of surprise on her face.

"Not that I can remember," The Fire Captain shrugged. "Did you?"

"Oh, yes!" Carina laughed a bright smile on her face. Maya lifted her head from her shoulder and looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue. "I wanted a dress with a really long train and flowers everywhere and candles and a massive wedding cake. Most of that still stands but I don't think I want to wear a dress now,"

"A suit?" Maya asked, gently running her finger along her arm.

"Not a suit. Maybe something like..." Carina opened up a new tab and typed a few things in before turning the screen back to Maya. "Like this," Maya looked at the all white jumpsuits on the screen and nodded her head approvingly.

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