I'm In Love With You Too (Stefanielle)

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Stefania walked through the door of her house, carrying a couple of bags of shopping. Jeff ran to her feet and she laughed as she tried to bend down to pet her, almost dropping a bag in the process.

"Come on, Jeff," She beckoned as she walked through to the kitchen and put her shopping onto the counter. "Hi," She smiled as she crouched down to properly pet her dog. Jeff seemed happy enough with the affection that she got and walked off to her blanket, laying down.

Stefania started to take everything out of her bags, bread, almond milk, bananas, a typical grocery shop. And of course a couple of bottles of wine. She put everything away and debated what she wanted to do next. She had bought the wine with intentions of drinking them today. And who better to get wine drunk with then her girlfriend? 

She pulled out her phone and opened up her chat with Danielle. 

SS: Ciao tesoro :)

Danielle <3: Hey babe, what's up?

SS: Are you free after work today?

The perks of Danielle working at a gym meant that she more or less could always answer her phone unless she was directly with a client. There were also some other perks that came in the form of an amazing body that Stefania honestly has many... many fantasies about. 

Danielle <3: Yeah, I finish at 8 though, I have an evening PT session

SS: That's okay :))

SS: Just come straight to mine after?

Danielle <3: Will do, mi amor

SS: <3

Stefania smiled down at her phone, doing a little dance. 

"Your second mother is coming over later, Jeff," She smiled as she started to tidy up a little. Not much was really out of place and Danielle had seen her house in much worse state but she still wanted it to look nice. At least it would kill some time before Danielle arrived anyway. 

Stefania had been thinking about her girlfriend an awful lot lately. About just how much she loved her, and wanted her in her life for as long as she possibly could have her. She makes her happier than she thought was humanly possible. It just so happened to be that Danielle thought about her in the exact same way as well. 

Feeling romantic, Stefania decided that she would cook a really nice meal for them, light some candles, have some music playing and put on a new set of lingerie Danielle hadn't seen yet for dessert. The little things, you know. 

She set about with making dinner, choosing one of Danielle's favourite pasta dishes and spent the afternoon dancing around as she cooked and cleaned and made her house look as romantic as possible. She even pulled out a string of fairy lights she had buried in the back of her wardrobe for added effect. 

Danielle <3: Just finished work

Danielle <3: Be with you in 20 :)

SS: Drive safely 

SS: I love you

Danielle <3: I love you

"Purple or blue?" Stefania stood in front of the mirror holding up two different sets of lingerie, alternating holding them in front of her body. They were both very pretty with soft lace and little details. She ended up choosing the blue set. It was a baby blue longline bralette with matching panties, lace flowers patterned over it with silk caging. She took a couple of pictures to send to Danielle for her to put in a very specific folder of her phone. But she would send the pictures tomorrow so she doesn't spoil the surprise. 

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