The First Christmas (Marina)

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Maya Bishop made her way up the pathway to her house, more than ready to just eat dinner with her girlfriend and go to bed. It had been a long day of paperwork at the Station which sometimes proved to be more draining than if they were called to an actual fire.

As she rummaged through her pockets for her key, her eye caught something. A wreath on the door. While it was a pretty wreath, decorated with red bows and gold glitter, it wasn't even December yet and she most certainly wasn't one to put up any Christmas decorations before the month. Clearly, Carina had very different plans.

"Baby! Why is there a-" Maya stopped in her tracks when she opened the door and her eyes landed on Carina who was stood on a chair from the kitchen with fairy lights draped over her shoulders. The fire Captain blinked rapidly as her girlfriend smiled at her innocently, clearly not picking up the distaste Maya currently had. 

"You're home! Great, I was struggling to get these up on here," Carina said as she pointed to the top corner of the mirror. 

"Two things," Maya began as she slipped off her jacket and hung it on the rack by the door. "One, you're taller than me, so I don't know where the extra help would come from. And two," The blonde stood by Carina so she could place a hand on her shoulder as she got down from the chair. "It is way too early for Christmas decorations," Carina's eyes widened as she looked at Maya in shock and gripped the fairy lights in her hand. 

"Too early?!" She dropped her hand in disbelief and mumbled something in Italian, shaking her head while Maya just watched her, very amused. "I cannot believe you've even said this," Carina turned on her heel and walked into the kitchen, Maya following behind her. 

"Carina. It's not December yet. We're barely even half way through November," 

"I was prepared to have everything up November first," Carina admitted as she set the tangled lights on the counter. "Anyway, I think these are pretty and they're not necessarily Christmassy,"

"There's a wreath on the door and I saw a box of tinsel in the hallway," Maya pointed out, arms folded over her chest. "I might have a heart attack if I walk into the living room and you've put a tree up."

"We'll get a tree on Saturday!" Carina's eyes lit up at the thought. 

"We'll get a tree on the first of December," Carina pouted as she walked over to her girlfriend and draped her arms loosely over her shoulders. 

"But... if we get a tree on Saturday, maybe you would have a present under it on Sunday," Carina's voice was considerably lower as she leant in closer, bumping their noses teasingly. "Wrapped in your favourite, red lace," Maya let out a shaky breath as she looked at Carina's lips, her mind starting to spin. "Or we can wait until December,"

Carina smirked as she pulled away and instantly felt a firm hand on her waist, pulling her straight back in for a long kiss. Maya backed her against the counter, breathing heavily as Carina caressed her jaw. 

"We'll get a tree on Saturday," Maya whispered as she guided Carina up onto the counter who instinctively wrapped her legs around her waist. Suddenly the Christmas lights seemed a lot less interesting to Carina.


Saturday rolled around and Maya and Carina walked hand in hand through the car park. 

"What kind of tree do you want?" Maya asked, because at the end of the day, as long as Carina was happy, she'd be happy. 

"See, I was thinking a classic green one but I saw this really nice synthetic white one online with coloured lights in the ends of the branches,"

"So why have we come to a place that just sells real ones?" Maya paused as she looked at her girlfriend. 

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