The Return Of Doctor Sweetheart

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(For context, the same story line that Marina are currently in, so Maya cheated, they said "I love you," and they live together however it is in a non-covid world)

Carina DeLuca sat at her desk as she read over the charts of her next patient, Mia Foxton, a nineteen year old who was experiencing a few complications during her pregnancy. As she looked over the charts sent over from her doctor, nothing seemed too out of the blue so she was hoping that this appointment would be able to calm Mia and put her nerves at ease. As the OB checked Mia's previous medical history, there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in!" She called out as she looked up. 

"Hi," Jo Wilson stood in the doorway clutching a tablet to her chest with a cheery smile on her face. "Mia is here and ready," Carina nodded as she stood up, grabbed her own tablet and walked over to Jo. 

"Let's go then," She shut the door behind her as they began to make their way down the hallways of Grey Sloan. "Are you still happy with your switch to OB?" Carina asked Jo curiously. 

"Oh yes, definitely. It just feels... right," Jo replied with a happy sigh. "It feels kind of magical in a way," While it did take a good few days of talking it over with her room mate Levi and getting some advice from Jackson Avery, which to be honest, the advice part was just a bridge into something bigger than a bridge, Jo was happy with her decision. 

"Good. That's good," Carina nodded her head slowly as they approached the patient room and she knocked before poking her head round the corner. "Hi, Mia?"

"Yes," Mia sat up on the bed as she put her phone to the side. She was a very pretty young woman. Tanned complexion, wavy dark hair and light green eyes. 

"Hi, I'm Doctor Carina DeLuca and this is Doctor Jo Wilson," Carina introduced the both of the as Jo shut the door behind her. "Do you have anyone with you today?"

"Uh... no. Just me and the little one," Mia smiled softly as she pointed to her stomach. She was  twenty two weeks into her pregnancy though she didn't appear to be showing that much.

"Is it okay if I get started with the exam and you tell me a little bit about what has been going on?" Carina pulled on a pair of gloves as Jo set up the ultra sound machine. 

"If you can just push your top up please," Jo said as she stood next to Mia. "This is going to be a little cold," She warned as she put some gel onto Mia's stomach. The patient then started to explain how her pregnancy had been from the beginning. It wasn't a planned pregnancy and the father decided that he didn't want anything to do with her or the baby as soon as the first complication came around. Her mother wasn't really the most supportive though was also constantly wrapped up in dealing with her younger siblings. 

"It was just a lot of trips to the doctor and being told to rest," Mia said as she craned her neck a little to see the monitor as the image of her baby came up on the screen. "I still don't know the sex yet. Apparently tulip is a little shy,"

"Tulip?" Jo questioned.

"Yeah, I call it tulip. For now anyway," Mia replied with a soft smile on her face. 

"Yes, tulip is all curled up," Carina said as she tried to force a smile. Jo could immediately sense the falseness behind the OB and took a closer look at the screen herself, eyes squinting slightly as she looked at the image. "Okay, we might need to run a couple of tests, Mia,"

"What kinds of tests? I'm not very good with needles," She laughed softly as Jo wiped her stomach with some blue paper so she could pull her top back down. 

"Well I would like to do another scan and for a heads up, we will need to take some blood," Carina explained as she pulled off her gloves and picked up her tablet, tapping away on the screen. "We'll be right back," Mia nodded as Carina and Jo left the room. 

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