A Broken Arm (Marina)

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Maya adjusted her oxygen tank as she made sure her entire team were safely out of the burning house before she could evacuate herself. 

"Miller! Come on! Get out!" She yelled as she waved her arm about. 

"They said there's a dog! I can hear it just over there!" The fire was raging around them, loud and fierce. 

"I'll get it! Just get out!" Maya shouted as she took a few steps towards Dean. 

"By that storage unit," He said as he ran out, leaving Maya to grab the dog. She saw it cowered in the corner, a little fluffy thing though she wasn't sure what breed it was. 

"Hi, dog. Come on," She bent down a little and held out a hand. "Your family is waiting for you," She bent down to scoop the dog up but it shuffled back a little. She let out a breathe and moved a little closer as a flame erupted near her, jolting the storage unit and making it topple over. She didn't have enough time to react and it fell on her arm that was supporting her body weight and she toppled backwards.

"Ah!" She yelled out as she managed to grab the dog's collar and push herself up. A searing pain shot up her arm and she took in a sharp breathe when she tried to move it. But that could be seen to as soon as she got out of this burning house. The dog jumped down as soon as they walked out of the door and ran over to a frantic looking family. 

"You good?" Andy questioned as she came up to Maya, noticing the way she clutched her arm. 

"The unit fell on my arm. I can't... I need to get it checked," She explained, wincing in pain as Andy helped her take off her oxygen tank and mask. 

"We need to get this off," Andy said, pulling on her jacket as they walked over to one of the trucks. 

"I can't move my arm, it hurts too much," Maya said as the adrenaline began to wear off. 

"Okay, okay. Let's do this arm first then I'll try to slide it off, yeah?" Maya nodded her head as she tried to control her breathing. "Three, two one," Andy slowly pulled the jacket off of her right arm and moved around her, trying her best to not knock into the left. Maya bit down on her lip as Andy moved the jacket off. 

"Sorry," She mumbled as she slid it down to her wrist and then completely off. "Yeah, we need to go to Grey Sloan," Maya looked down at her arm which was now a colour that arms shouldn't usually be. Quite purple. She almost wished that she hadn't looked at her arm because she knew, without any x rays, that it wasn't looking good. 

"Let's just go," She said as she tried to ignore the intense throbbing pain. Twenty minutes later, and they pulled up to Grey Sloan, Maya wincing as she got out of the car. Meredith stood by the doors, waiting with a smile on her face. 

"It's always one of you," She sighed as Andy and Maya followed her inside. "I was told this was from a unit storage?" She asked as they went into a consultation room. 

"Yeah, because their stupid dog wouldn't get out," Maya muttered as Meredith gently moved her arm onto the table. 

"I'm pretty sure that you were able to see that something is a little wrong here, yeah?" Meredith said softly as she took Maya's blood pressure. 

"Her arm looks like an eggplant," Andy said, trying not to laugh as Maya gave her a death glare. "Oh shoot. Do you want me to find Carina?" She asked as she put her hand on the door handle. 

"Um, yeah. But if she's busy, don't worry. It's not too serious," 

"I'm taking her up to x ray so if she is free, tell her to check on the system where we are," Meredith said as Andy left the room. 

"Okay, I'm just going to put this on you for now," Meredith said as she slipped a paper sling over Maya's head and onto her arm. The blonde winced a little but it did feel a bit better as they started to walk through the hospital. "We haven't been too busy today actually so hopefully there won't be a queue,"

Luckily, they only had to wait for about ten minutes to use the machine. Meredith got Maya to sit down and positioned her arm to take the x rays, making sure she got all of the angles she needed. 

"Can you just turn it a lit-"

"Why did you not call me straight away?" Carina suddenly appeared at the door, arms crossed over her chest as she stared at her girlfriend.

"You moved your arm!" Meredith called out as she looked at the scans. "Carina," She tilted her head to tell her to come and look at the images. 

"I'm still waiting for an answer!" Carina called out as she looked at the images and shook her head. 

"I knew I was coming here," Maya said as she slowly stood up. 

"And I could have found  you earlier not have Andy come and tell me that you were hurt,"

"But if I told you while I was on the way, you would have time to panic," Maya said, though nothing she said was really helping her case. 

"You stress me out, Maya," Carina said as the blonde came out to look at the images herself. 

"You love me," She teased, pushing up a little on her toes and kissing her girlfriend softly. "See? I'm fine,"

"You don't know how to read scans," Carina said, shaking her head.

"Yeah it's definitely broken. You're going to be at the desk for at least six weeks," Meredith said as she led them out of the room. 

"I didn't even think that," Maya gasped, jaw slightly ajar. 

"She's going to be hell, you know," Carina said to Meredith. "She can barely handle going on vacation for three days without her fingers itching to put out a fire. A whole six weeks,"

"Minimum," Meredith chimed in. 

"Minimum," Carina muttered under her breathe. "Hey Maya, want to take a break for six weeks minimum?" 

"I'm not that bad!" Maya laughed and went to knock into Carina but was instead met with a lot of pain. "Can I get some painkillers at some point, please?"

"Yeah, of course. If you two just want to wait in here and I'll get everything sorted for your cast,"

"Thank you," Maya smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Carina, scooting back a little so that she could swing her legs. "I don't know how I'm going to survive these six weeks," She sighed, looking down at her arm. 

"At least you'll still be able to go into the station," Carina offered, as she sat down next to Maya and rested a hand on her leg. 

"You're going to have to do everything for me!" 

"Ha ha. Very funny. Your right hand still works," There was a moment of comfortable silence. "I'm glad you're okay," Carina said, pressing a kiss to Maya's cheek. "I hope there won't be a next time, but if there ever is a next time and you're hurt, I expect a call as soon as,"

"I just don't want to worry you,"

"I'm dating a fire fighter, it's going to happen," Maya took Carina's hand in her own, the one that was functioning and squeezed gently. "As long as I get my regular updates, always a fan of the pictures after your work outs, then I'm good," Maya rolled her eyes and brought Carina's hand up so she could kiss it.  

"Well, you have six weeks to not worry," Maya pointed out as she rested her head on Carina's shoulder. "What colour cast should I get?" She questioned, eyes widening. Almost on cue, another doctor came in to do her cast work.

"Colour preference?"

"Red," She smiled as she watched her arm get covered in plaster, Carina standing to the side. 

"All done,"

"Thank you," He had already gone through the do's and don'ts of a cast as he applied it so she was all clued up and of course, her girlfriend would be  keeping a close eye on her. 

"Okay, let me sign it," Carina smiled as she took the pen out of her pocket. Even if Maya wanted to keep it clean, she was too late and Carina had scribbled her name surrounded by hearts and a little 'ily'. 

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