Miss Savre (Stefanielle)

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Stefania Spampinato fixed her bag that was hanging off of her shoulder as she slipped into the lecture hall. Trust her to sleep through her alarm on her first day. 

Stefania had hit a wall in life where she felt like she wasn't doing anything that she wanted to do. She worked part time in a Starbucks during the week, and on a weekend, she worked in a library which hardly had anyone frequent. 

She had spoken to her best friend, Barrett Doss, about her dilemma and she came up with the idea of going back to school. At first, Stefania thought that was a ridiculous plan, basing that on the fact that she felt she was too old. However the more Barrett spoke to her about it, the more it sounded like a good idea. "People go back into education all the time at whatever age, if you want to do something, do it. As long as it's not like, against the law or something,"

Stefania liked to write. She'd always dreamt about having a book published since she was a little girl and that was partly why she wanted to work in a library. She liked books and maybe she would fall in love with an author who did a book tour but that never happened, much to her dismay. 

So she spent an evening looking at courses, deciding that if she were to go back to school, she would take a writing course. And after a few applications, a few interviews and a few more conversations with Barrett, Stefania was enrolled on the Creative Writing course at Sloan College. 

So here she was now, awkwardly shuffling past a few of the other students towards a vacant seat and hoping that she hadn't missed anything important. Stefania settled down and briefly looked around the room, she estimated the class had around forty students and felt relaxed when she noticed that not everyone appeared to be straight out of school. The teacher however... Stefania was almost certain that she was older than her. 

She stood at the front of the room behind a desk, staring at a computer screen. Blonde hair that reached her shoulders, blue eyes, maybe around 5"5. She wore a pale blue shirt and white trousers. She looked like the type of woman Stefania would write stories about, but she was stood in front of her. 

"Forgive me. Slight technical difficulties," At least Stefania hadn't missed anything. She watched her teacher fiddle around a little more and then hold up a small remote which activated the screen behind her. 

Creative Writing

Miss Savre

All eyes were on Miss Savre as she walked to the front of the desk and leant against it, her eyes surveying the room. She had been teaching this course for four years now and was usually able to pick out who would drop out within the first two weeks, who would averagely pass the course and who had the potential to go on and publish. The gentlemen sat at the front who looked half asleep, probably gone by Thursday. The woman who was sat in the middle of the room with her venti Starbucks, young but there was potential. 

The guy who just walked into the room, scruffy hair, oversized jacket and apologetic look on his face, he would probably publish. 

"My apologies," He said, holding a hand up. British. 

"What's your name?" Miss Savre asked as he remained standing by the door. 

"Arthur, ma'am," He responded.

"Ma'am? I'm taking that as the fact that you are not from here and not that you think I'm a seventy year old woman. Take a seat, Arthur," 

"Yes ma'am- uh, Miss sorry," Stefania held back a little giggle as Arthur shuffled through the students like she had just done and sat down in the seat next to her. He dumped his backpack on the floor and let out a breath. "I cannot believe I was late," He said quietly. 

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