An Alternative Beginning (Marina)

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"It's been so quiet today," Andy sighed as she leant against the front desk, taking a bite out of an apple. 

"Don't say that!" Travis groaned because the entire team knew that when someone made a comment about the Station being quiet, they were bound to get a call somewhere. 

"Oh, come on. Me saying one thing won't change the entire course of-" And before Andy could even finish her sentence, the tannoy went off and everyone was rushing to the fire trucks, pulling on their gear. 

"Blame Andy! She said it was quiet today!" Travis called out, laughing at her before jumping into the Aid Car with Vic. 

"Andy!" Maya shouted, but it was just playful between them. 

"Shut up. It was just a coincidence," Andy said as they got into the fire truck and secured their seatbelts. "Where are we headed?" Ben cleared his throat as he began to drive the truck out of the Station, alarms blaring as they drove. 

"House fire," He replied. "Not sure how it started or if anyone is inside," Both Maya and Andy nodded, ready for further instruction from Sullivan when they arrived at the scene. 

"Your favourite, Sullivan," Maya teased, wiggling her eyebrows at her best friend who just rolled her eyes. "Don't you just love him?"

"Is it get on Andy's nerves day today?" Andy questioned, turning to look out of the window and trying to act like she still hated Sullivan's guts. The lone butterfly floating around her chest told her something different. 

"I actually quite like to get on Andy's nerves every day," Maya smiled, winking at Andy. 

"Do I want to know what it was like when you two lived together?" Ben asked from the driver's seat, chuckling quietly. 

"We didn't really argue if that's what you mean," Maya replied. "Well..."

"We did argue but it clearly was never that important," Andy added, the conversation coming to a quick end as they turned the street and immediately caught sight of the fire. 

"Okay, it hasn't spread to any other houses," Maya noted as Ben stopped the truck and they all jumped out. Sullivan was already giving instructions to Dean and Jack who were about to make the first move towards the house, Vic and Travis on standby. 

"Bishop and Surrera! Around the back!" 

"Yes, Captain!" They both called out as they made sure their masks were secure before rounding the back of the house. 

"Sir?" Warren appeared next to Sullivan, waiting for an order. 

"Wait until I hear something from Gibson or Miller," Sullivan replied, eyes trained on the blazing fire in front of him. Not long after, the walkie talkies made a sound and Gibson confirmed that there was no one upstairs, retreating back down as Dean was scouring the living room. 

"Coming from the kitchen," He said towards Jack who nodded then ventured forward. Meanwhile, Maya and Andy were standing at the back of the house, squinting their eyes in an attempt to see anything through the broken window. 

"Do you think we should open the door?" Andy asked, taking a step forward. Maya looked at her best friend then back at the house. "Wait for further instruction?"

"Sullivan, do you want us to enter through the back?" Maya asked into her walkie talkie. "Straight into the kitchen," Just as she finished her sentence, her eye caught sight of a movement. "Did you see that?" She asked Andy, moving in closer.

"See what?"

"Something just moved. A door," She carried on walking closer, then pointed to the door she saw move. "That one. Is anyone inside!?" Maya called out, still listening for any instruction from Sullivan. 

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