A New Love Interest (Stefanielle)

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Krista Vernoff sat in her office, waiting for Danielle Savre to arrive so that she could talk to her about the next stages written for her character, Maya Bishop. It didn't take long before there was a knock at the door and Danielle peeped her head round, chewing on some gummy worms. 

"Hello, Danielle!" Krista smiled, motioning for her to come in and take a seat. 

"Hi! How are you?" Danielle asked as she sat down. Krista's office always smelt like jasmine, it was very comforting. 

"I'm good, I'm good. How are you?"

"Got my gummy worms so I'm good," Danielle smiled as she put another one in her mouth. "So, is this good or bad news for Maya?" Danielle asked, crossing one leg over the other, watching Krista intently for any sign of anything really. 

"Well, I'd say it's good,"

"Great!" Danielle laughed, letting out a sigh of relief.

"We have a new love interest on the lines,"

"So no more Jack and Maya?" Danielle questioned, slightly relieved but she wouldn't actually tell anyone that. 

"No more Jack and Maya," Danielle did a little fist bump behind the desk. No offence to Grey, but it was always a bit more difficult to shoot make out scenes and things along those lines when the chemistry as actors isn't that strong. "It's going to be a cross over with a Grey's character,"

"Right..." That comment didn't really narrow anything down for Danielle, especially as Maya is a bisexual character, most of the cards were on the table here. It was probably easier for her to list who it wouldn't be. Jackson was off the cards because of Vic, Link and Amelia are a thing, Owen was always in a thing but then again, relationships in the Shondaland world are always messy. 

"I can tell by your face that you're trying to figure out who," Krista said, laughing as she watched Danielle.

"Yeah, just a little,"

"Well, we haven't completely finalised this story yet, even how you two meet isn't finalised... but we think it's going to be a really good pairing," Krista opened a folder in front of her and pulled out two pieces of paper. "Maya Bishop," She begun, placing down a picture of Maya Bishop in front of Danielle. "And Carina Deluca," She set down the other picture and pushed them together. 

"That's um.... played by Stefania?"

"Yes! Stefania Spampinato," Krista nodded her head with a smile on her face. "Have you met before by any chance?"

"I think I may have passed by her once or twice. She's tall, right?" Krista nodded again, holding a hand up high. 

"She'll be in the table read next week so you can properly meet then. I'll be seeing her tomorrow when she's in to talk about it,"

"Sounds good," Danielle said, feeling quite optimistic about the coming season. 

"You'll get more information about it as we go along, like always but if any questions, you know where to find me,"

"Thank you," Danielle smiled as she stood up and left Krista's office. She headed to her trailer, opened Instagram, and searched up Stefania Spampinato.  Well she was very pretty, that's for sure. 

Fast forward to next week, and everyone had started to fill into the room for the table read. Danielle walked with Barrett, discussing when they were next going to have a girls night together. 

"Oh wait, this is the one with you and Carina, right?" Barrett asked as they found their seats and sat down. 

"Yes, yes," Danielle nodded her head and sure enough, next to her was a script with 'Stefania Spampinato' printed on the front. "There we go,"

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